Today’s guest is Asrai Devin from The Maven of Mischief. I love Asrai’s blog because she covers such a wide variety of subjects. From crafting, to home remodeling, to the hilarious comments we get from spam bots. Today she’s sharing with us an interesting problem encountered while trying to help her son with some health issues.
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Hi, I’m Kristy, lover of God, family, friends, good books, and yummy food. I’m also on a quest to get in the best shape of my life. As a clean and wholesome/Christian romance author, I spend much of my days sitting at a desk. And we all know that a sedentary lifestyle isn’t conducive to good health. So it’s time to change all that. To start counteracting the side effects of too little activity, hypothyroidism, and gluten intolerance. Yeah, It’s time to get busy because I plan on living to be a happy, healthy, and energetic centenarian. I also plan on writing a lot more books! 🙂
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I’m cringing at the thought of those stinky pills! Chilling regular fish oil caps tends to nuke the smell. Not sure if that’s powerful enough for these puppies, but worth a shot… 😉
Thanks for stopping by, ladies! 🙂
All I can think of is blending it in a smoothie? It’s terrible that the taste is so strong. I wish you all the best!
oh Yuck, Asrai. Poor babies (mom and little one). I feel for you. We did a serious diet intervention when my son was little and it was a pain. But it didn’t involve smelly stuff. Keep us posted on how it goes.
Oh Asrai, I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. I had to deal with some real nasty stuff for my son when he was little. I used to mix it in his drink. It was sticky and gross. Just yuck. I really feel for you. I hope you find something that works. I’ll be thinking of you and saying a prayer.
Thank you Kristy for hosting Asrai today.
Wow Asrai, I am so sorry for your two year old’s troubled teeth.
My husband and I are reading more and more about eating raw. It is so much more healthier for you. Not just for our children, but for us as adults. When we eat this way, it prevents us from getting certain diseases. :).