It’s Time For Some New Goals

I was completely amazed at how much I was able to accomplish after joining my first ROW80 in January.  Unfortunately I realized that I only have so much time and energy to go around.  And I realized that I just didn’t have enough of either to support all of the other participants like I should if I were going to be a part of the group.  Therefore my first ROW80 has to be my last.  For now anyway.


The public announcement of my plans, and each week’s updates, was extremely motivating…so I’m going to launch out on my own and start adding a brief post on Sundays stating whether I’ve met my goals or not.  I will break my goals up in the same way the other group does, three months at a time, and see what happens.  This means I have approximately  six weeks until the end of June.

My goals are:

1.  Finish editing current MS for July 20, 2012 release

2.  Finish editing and correcting formatting issues in The Daddy Pact (I will work on the other two beginning in July)

3.  Expand outline for third book in series so I can begin writing again in July  (current word count is 15,254)

4.  Work on outline for second WIP, and add 500+ words each day, five days a week (current word count is 20,108)

5.  Try harder to spend more time on Twitter

6.  Figure out a workable schedule for blogs I’m currently following

7.  Check out a few new blogs every week.

Just looking at this list makes me want to hunt up a paper bag to breathe into, but I’ll see how it goes the first couple of weeks.  Please feel free to ignore my Sunday updates because this is just an experiment to see if I can get back on track.  🙂



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12 Responses to It’s Time For Some New Goals

  1. JakiCheli says:

    Good timing Kristy. I came home with new hourly goals to see if I can be consistant enough to do them long enough to make them a habit. By the 3rd of June I will post my goal met days. It includes my nutritional battle for normal health as well as house improvement and rewrite done or almost done. we’ll just wait and see 🙂

  2. what a good idea. I have a ‘goals buddy’. we sit down and talk about and set goals for the year and then put in timelines and put them in our calendars to check up on each other. not weekly but depending on our deadline dates. this way would work as well.

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