I have gotten far too little sleep for the past several days, and have crossed the line. I am no longer sane and normal. Okay, so I wasn’t exactly sane and normal before…what can I say.
Are you ready for it?
Unique New York.
Say that five times as fast as you can…then let me know how you did in the comments section.
I can get through 3 or 4, but I sound like the Geico gecko. 🙂
You’re doing better than I do then. Sometimes I can get to three, but I’m usually fouling it up by the second time. 🙂
LOL. I take on a funny accent when I say it. 😀 Get some sleep, chickie! I only got 2 hours last night. I blame it on the book. Couldn’t put it down!
I don’t know that I’ve taken on an accent, but unless I speak very slowly, I can’t get past three times…and sometimes that doesn’t even work. Trying on the whole sleep thing, but all it takes is a couple of off nights, and then it takes forever to get back on schedule. FORTUNATELY I’ve gotten more than two hours. Was it the editing or writing that was going so well? I’d be careful about all night editing sessions though. And make sure you work on a copy, and not the original. Things look a whole lot different than we think when we’re playing zombie. 🙂
Messed it up on the second try. Also made some new words. LOL!!
THANKS…that was fun.
Silver’s Reviews
That’s about where my tongue starts tripping up, too, Elizabeth…but it’s still fun to try. I may have to lower my goal to 3 times instead of 5…and then someday I may hit it (although I HAVE managed the 5…if I say it in slow motion!). 🙂
Oops…yeah. I’ve created two new words from this. But then I think every one comes up with the same ones, so maybe they’re not so new. 🙂