I was going to post my NaNoWriMo updates right here on Sundays, then decided I would just give them a page all their own, hence the new NaNo Diary tab. I just don’t feel that it’s a blog-worthy subject and, since I’ll likely be cutting back on my blogging, at least for the month of November, it will work better for me…and not flood in-boxes with notifications.
But I did want to brag a little bit say that I not only surpassed my daily NaNo goal by 367 words, I also finished the first draft of my first WIP!!! Yup. Almost 5,000 words written tonight (with the NaNo stuff finished before 8:00 p.m.). I’m so happy I could jump for joy…except I kind of wore myself out on the treadmill earlier this evening, so I’m just doing some mental jumps instead.
I also decided that I’m not going to work on the second WIP at all. Or at least not much. In preparation for the Christmas holidays, I’m going to do a holiday-themed novella. At least I’m going to give it a good shot. That will bring my word count goal for November from 50,000 (the original NaNo goal) to somewhere around 70-85,000.
If I could continue at the same pace as I managed today, I could conceivably hit 150,000 words in thirty days. But I only want to aim for half of that. Totally doable. IF I can be that disciplined. Guess we’ll see.
Anyway, if you want to see my progress for NaNo, just click on the tab above. That’s the only place I’ll be updating the numbers. 🙂
good luck
Thanks, Louise! I may need that more in about a week though. 🙂
Congratulations! That’s wonderful, Kristy!
Thanks, Debra! Just hoping I can keep the pace up. I want to try to do a holiday themed novella before Thanksgiving, too. Yikes!
You’re doing great.
Thanks, Emma! I’m having a lot of fun doing it, too. 🙂