Yeah, you know I couldn’t let this one slip by without a mention. And what a perfect week for it, too. I mean those of us living in the United States are preparing for Thanksgiving, and this is just one more thing we can add to our gratitude lists.
Yup. November 19th is World Toilet Day. All around the globe, people are celebrating…toilets. Well, those of us who know about it anyway. I hadn’t heard about it until a few minutes ago, but baby…you’d better believe I’m in! Well, I’m not ‘in,’ but I’m definitely celebrating. As visions of what people from earlier centuries had to contend with dance in my head… Yeah! Three cheers for toilets and indoor plumbing!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hmm. Wonder if there’s a World Toilet Paper Day, too? Because I could totally get on board
So anyway…go give your toilet some love. Remember, you could be showing that love to an outhouse or thunder mug.
***Check out Natalie Hartford’s blog to see what other celebration shares November 19th. Actually it seems rather appropriate given the whole ‘throne room’ thing. 🙂
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Throne room thing…ROFL!!!
How did I EVER miss this?!?! DANG!!! I am marking it on my calendar to celebrate and pay special homage to next year. LOL!!
Tanks for the uber luv….
Do you have any idea where I actually learned about World Toilet Day, Natalie? It was a trending topic on Yahoo. No kidding. I’d just logged out of one of my email account and…there it was. A trending topic… It was almost like a gift.
I mean, what else says love like Yahoo dropping the PERFECT blog topic in your lap like that? 😉
And you are welcome…your November 19th blog was just very touching, and a whole lot more important than this one. 🙂
(Although I have to say that I consider toilets and indoor plumbing to be an important necessity in life)
I’ll get no board with celebrating toilets. Yay
Definitely yay for toilets! 🙂
LOL Yes, we should take time to be thankful for toilets. Have you ever used an outhouse? If not, think portapotty sitting in the hot sun for several decades. Thank you for pointing out this very important day to us, Kristy! 🙂
I actually have. There are still a few in old roadside parks in Michigan, but I avoid them like the plague. They are AWFUL. And I do agree that we should be very grateful for our modern day toilets. Thanks for stopping by, Kassandra. Hopefully I’ll be a little more on the ball about the comments now that November is coming to a close. Might not meet all of my writing goals, but I did get three…and part of the fourth done. And there are still six days. 🙂
Wow! Where do people come up with these days? Lol! But I am ever so thankful for the modern day toilet. So yay for World Toilet Day!
Oh you and me both. Every time I see a port-a-potty, I love my toilet. 🙂