…ummm…. Oops.
Okay, so the tryptophan got the best of me just now. And much as I’d like to give in and see if visions of sugar plums dance in my head, I refuse to give in and be like a guy the half of the population who settles in for a long winter’s nap after eating a turkey dinner.
For me, though, it didn’t ‘feel’ like Christmas. I’ve heard that from a lot of people this year. People who I imagine are a lot like me. We’re from Michigan, and Christmas in Michigan means…snow.
I guess that means it’s time for a Christmas do-over. Yup. I’ve done it before, and I’m doing it again. Sometime between mid-January and the end of February…after we get a decent snowfall…Christmas is going to have an encore in my house.
More decorations, more baking, more movies, books and music. And maybe a few gifts. But that’s not the important part. It’s the feeling that seems to go hand-in-hand with…snow. And I miss that feeling, so I’m going to find it before winter is over.
If you’re from a state that’s known for white Christmases, does it affect your mood when it’s brownish green instead?
I didn’t feel one bit Christmassy this year, not sure why. It’s all over now and you wonder what all the fuss is about. Wishing you all the best for the New Year, Kristy.
Happy New Year, Emma! I won’t say I’m glad I wasn’t alone in the lack of Christmas spirit this year…because everyone who celebrates it should be able to find at least a little, shouldn’t they? 🙂
I grew up in Idaho but went to college in California, and was always glad to come home for Christmas. I don’t care how much they decorated palm trees, they just aren’t Christmas! Yesterday we had enough snow to cover up the lawns and give us a lovely white Christmas. But now it can quit.
LOL! That’s funny, Helen. I’m just the opposite. I’d love snow (LOTS of snow) on the ground from mid-November through March. Of course I’d also like it if the temps and windchills NEVER got below 32 either. But I’m with you on the palm trees. Nope. Not Christmas-like in any way. 🙂
Unless you are like my husband who says “we’ve already got too much” and we only live a few miles from you 🙂 When I was driving and could barely see for the snow coming down and felt the car slipping I could almost agree with him. When I’m in the house looking out I agree with you. Nothing so pretty as snow unless it is sun on the ice covered branches after an ice storm 🙂
Those are two of the prettiest things to see in the winter. I saved a picture of ice covered cherries and branches someone posted in Facebook, and now it’s my desktop background. The Avengers will go back up eventually, but this one is more in keeping with the season.
Tell Scrooge that snow is beautiful. 🙂
we’ve got snow and lots and lots of cold….brrrr. Merry Christmas
We’ve got the cold, Louise…but very little snow.. Even today’s snowstorm is more just a lot of strong wind blowing the little bit of snow we’re getting to Massachusetts. Merry Christmas to you, too! 🙂
Well, there’s a little snow out there, maybe 2 inches? It’s white but kind of brown stickin’ up here and there. Lucky you eating turkey! Just my wife and I here today, our Christmas was early this month. Be well!
I don’t think we got that much, John. Still way too much grass sticking up from beneath the white stuff that would like to grow up to be snow. 🙂
Hmm about the lucky me. I’m not a huge turkey fan. Frankly, I’d rather have chicken…or ham, but my kids think I make entirely too much chicken the rest of the year, and they’ve never liked ham (which would be my preference for Christmas dinner).
Even though it was just you and your wife, I hope you had a great Christmas anyway. 🙂
Oh yes, we are just fine here. We kinda like each other! Chicken is delicious! Turkey is nice for a change but I can eat chicky every day, any way. Just skip the dark meat, plz… 😉