Book 4 – And the Cover Reveal

For those who didn’t see it on my Facebook page, the cover for Her Best Friend Jon, book four in the Coach’s Boys series, is ready. What do you think?

Kristy K. James-Her Best Friend Jon cover


I’m also happier than I can ever express to tell you that the book is still on schedule to be released by the end of this month. The second draft is currently with my beta readers, so I should be able to do the final run-through and polish in a week or so. 🙂

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8 Responses to Book 4 – And the Cover Reveal

  1. Korinna Berry says:

    I love it and I am so excited! I can’t stand it! I wish I was a Beta Reader right now!!!! 😉

    • Kristy K. James says:

      Thanks, Korinna. 🙂
      Not long now. I’m getting beta reader feedback and making changes as needed. I’ll be adding at least two more scenes to the story, fixing a few more, giving it one more read through to make sure it’s the best I can make it … and then it should be good to go. 🙂

  2. Congrats, Kristy! Nice cover! I really dig the color scheme. The turquoise looks awesome against the black and white.

    • Kristy K. James says:

      Thanks, August. When I was looking at photos, one of the things that drew me to this was the contrasting – and complimenting – colors.:)

  3. That cover looks great! Best cover yet! 🙂

    • Kristy K. James says:

      Thanks, Stormi…it’s my favorite so far, too. Of course I’m a winter lover, too, so that’s probably part of the reason. 🙂

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