I’d have posted this yesterday, but in my editing-induced sleep deprived state, I got my dates mixed up. And since I didn’t want to post two days in a row, realized I’d have to wait until midnight on the twenty-ninth. But…
Jon’s book is finally ready! And available at Amazon and Smashwords.
Now we’re going to hope that Cal behaves better than Jon did, and that I can have his story out by Christmas (because it takes place during the holidays).
Okay…. So I’m posting it now, four and a half hours earlier than I planned, but I can’t help it. I’m just too excited to wait!
Kristy, I just finished Jon’s book and I have to say: I loooooved it! I can’t wait for Cal’s book. Do you have an idea for a release date for it? Please say you have definitely decided to write Ed his own book????
Hi, Britt…
Sorry for the delay in responding. Between a painful dental infection, frequent napping, and trying to work on the story, November has really gotten away from me.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the book! Thanks for letting me know. As for a release date for Cal’s story…I’m still shooting for mid-December.
And Ed…I actually had a scene pop into my mind a few days ago, and it’s looking more promising for his own story. If I can come up with a good plot to go along with the scene, then he will definitely get one, but it won’t be until sometime next year. Possibly not until the summer because I have a few more projects that I can’t put off much longer. 🙂
Any news on getting the book on iTunes?!!!
Nothing about iTunes yet, but apparently my email helped because Smashwords has approved it…a week ahead of schedule. The series has been selling fairly well on iTunes, so as soon as I see that it’s been ‘shipped’ there, I’ll give it a few days, and if it’s not up really soon, I’ll email them and see what happens. Hopefully that might get things rolling a little faster. 🙂
Any news on getting the book on iTunes??
Hi, Erin…
I wish I could say I have good news, but I heard back from Kevin at Smashwords today (technically yesterday). He said the turnaround time on their approval has been averaging 10-12 business days because they’ve had 9,000+ submissions in the past month. And to quote him, “If your book still has not been vetted by this time next week, please let me know.” All I can do is cross my fingers and toes, keep praying, and hope for the best. And then I have to wait for the iTunes approval process. I had no idea it would take so long for this book and it’s driving me nuts.
I’ll continue to stay on top of it though. Once I see that it’s been shipped to iTunes, I’ll keep close track there, too, and as soon as I see it, I’ll make an announcement here and on my Facebook page. I’m sorry it’s taking so long. I’m afraid that once I submit it, it’s out of my hands. 🙁
I am excited for you Kristy! You know, I still am cleaning up my emails. lol. I just found your announcement from September that you moved your blog. Aha! That’s why I haven’t been receiving it. Well, now to re-subscribe. Best wishes! 🙂
Hi, Karen. Nice to see you again. Ouch on the emails. Mine are creeping back up to 500…so my 400 or fewer kind of got out of hand. I’m going to try to whittle the number back down…hopefully soon, lol. Good luck with yours. 🙂
I’m ready but is it going to be available on Barnes and noble please say yes but I’m looking forward to reading it thx a bunch but you still have others to write about so get to it
Hi, Lora…it will be available at Barnes & Noble, but there are a couple of steps to the approval process, so I can’t say exactly when it will be available there, but I’ll keep checking and update the post when I do find it there. 🙂
And yes…I’m working on Cal’s book now. 🙂
I bought it this morning and couldn’t put it down! I have really enjoyed this series, and the books keep getting better and better. Jon’s story was wonderful. I am going to go crazy waiting for Cal’s book!
Thanks so much for telling me, Kim! I really appreciate hearing that. It’s so nice to know that other people like my guys as much as I do. 🙂
I am really hoping Cal’s book is out by Christmas. If he behaves better than Jon did, I don’t think it will be a problem.
Just wondering if you have a date for the release on iTunes thanks
I really wish I did, Sam, but they have an approval process that just baffles me. Sometimes they can get a book up right away, but then other times it seems to take forever. I know that Smashwords has an epub version that’s supposed to work on iPads, but I’m not sure how to get it from there to the e-reader. I only just learned (earlier today) how to get one on a Kindle. If you’re interested in getting it from there, let me know and I can do some checking around. I know a few people who only use Apple products. 🙂