Changes In My Future

I went in for a blood test last week and, if the snow plow guy does a good job tomorrow, I’ll be able to get to my doctor’s appointment on Monday. And … finally … I’ll get a prescription I’ve been wanting for almost three years.

Most of you know I have hypothyroidism, but may or may not know that I stopped taking a synthetic medicine last August or September. It didn’t have much of an effect on me, and my former doctor wouldn’t raise the dose, so I decided to try supplements instead. In a nutshell, they worked a little, just not enough for me to feel good.

I can be a stubborn woman. In fact, some people are convinced I’d cut off my nose to spite my face … totally not true. I happen to like my nose exactly where it is, thank you very much. Regardless, I know there will be times when I have to admit defeat, and this is one of those times.

After five or six months, it’s clear the natural way didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped, and since feeling good is important to me, I’ll do whatever it takes to achieve it.

Excited at the prospect of living like a normal person again, I did some research to see how long it would take before I could expect results. There are people who claim it only took a week or two, while others said it was quite a bit longer. I sincerely hope I’m in the first group.

For the past couple of months, I’ve been more exhausted than at any other time in my life, and being so sick in January didn’t help. It’s hard to concentrate, write, and edit when all you want to do is sleep, so I hope you’ll be patient with me as I try to get this hypothyroidism under control – because I’ve decided not to push myself until I’ve had a chance to heal a little.


My only dream at the moment is to wake up every day with the energy that most everyone I know has. So wish me luck. And if you take Armour Thyroid and have any advice to give, or any success stories you wouldn’t mind telling me about … please share them in the comments section below. I need all of the encouragement I can get.

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16 Responses to Changes In My Future

  1. Anonymous says:

    I find it interesting that your former doc refused to give you Armour Thyroid. That’s pretty much the only thing my doctor will prescribe. Shortly after I started taking it, there was a shortage. All the chain pharmacies told me I’d have to switch to Synthroid because they refused to try to find another source for Armour Thyroid. If you ever run into that problem, let me know. I found a local pharmacy that is persistent about tracking down the correct formulas for their customers.

    • Kristy K. James says:

      I sure wish my old doctor would have been okay with it. Every time I brought it up, she scared me out of taking it. I’m so glad to have the new doctor because I never want to take the synthetic version again.

      And thanks for the tip on shortages. I remember reading about that, and that there was some change in formulation, so I decided I’d be chewing mine up as soon as I got it. Thank goodness it doesn’t taste bad, just a little chalky. I’m too excited to be on it, and looking forward to my fourth dose later today. I’m splitting it up and taking it twice a day. 🙂

  2. Korinna Berry says:

    As you know I am stage 5 RA with Fibromyalgia and Hypothyroidism. I am also asthmatic and allergic to everything including many drugs. This has caused them to be unable to find a drug to help me get into remission. Therefore, I am stuck on steroids and have been the last 7 years. Between the thyroid and the steroids, the weight gain is just awful and it’s as emotionally painful as the RA and Fibro are physically. I also mentioned my oldest daughter has Hashimotos. She has dealt with this since she was 5. She will be 25 on May 2nd. We learned the importance of testing more than just the TSH. Those antibodies have to be monitored. They have kept her on Synthroid and for all these years she has NEVER been levelized. She is also sensitive to the side effects of the drug and I could recant the horror stories of the anxiety, depression and memory loss. It was like a battle between the good and evil Mallory. She is always exhausted and my son in law just don’t get it. Hashimotos is autoimmune which makes it even tougher because the body attacks itself. I will tell her about Armor. We have an excellent doctor who is supportive with anything we try. Gluten free did not do much for her I’m afraid. I now suspect my youngest daughter has it because she has all the classic symptoms. She’s been tested twice with negative results. I explained that it don’t mean she hasn’t some form. She was also dx with RA. Her blood levels are all messed up so they keep testing every 90 to 120 days. She is terrified she will end up like me with the weight and the RA putting me in a wheelchair. I have a genetic condition that masks drug results or I simply burn up and metabolize drugs before they can become effective. That is why my morphine therapy wasn’t effective. My doc fixed it but they are now looking into that with the girls to see if that is what’s happening. Since it’s genetic, it’s quite possible.

    I hope and pray this gives you the results you need. This is something that gets overlooked so much and it’s so important.its your body’s temperature gauge.

    • Kristy K. James says:

      Korinna…how terrible for you and your daughters! I hope someone can find something to help you get better. Have you tried a naturopath? I’ve never been to one, but I understand they’re able to help a lot of people that regular doctors cannot. I think a lot of doctors overlook nutrition and the important role it plays in our health. From what I’ve been told, they have very little training in it while in medical school.

      You should have your youngest daughter ask the doctor what criteria he uses to determine hypothyroidism. The new guidelines say 3 at the most. And that’s not even the most important number to make the diagnosis anyway. I think it’s T3 and/or T4.

      There’s a Facebook group called Coalition For Better Thyroid Care. I don’t go there much anymore, but I learned a whole lot from them early on. You might all want to check that out. The moderators seem to be very knowledgeable, as well as a lot of the members. I’ve never asked a question that they haven’t helped with.

      If your oldest daughter does try the Armour Thyroid, tell her to split the dose so she’s taking one after breakfast and one after supper. Apparently the T3 has a very short half life, and that way keeps it in her system better. Also, because of the new formulation, two or three years ago maybe, a lot of people are saying it’s better to crush the tablets – or chew them – so they’re better absorbed. That’s what I plan to do. Whatever it takes to get it working well and quickly. 🙂

      • Korinna Berry says:

        I have tried everything except acupuncture. I am allergic to so much that I cannot try herbs or root mixtures. Anaphylaxis is not fun but I am becoming a pro without panicking. Mals doc uses TSH and T3 and T4.
        I will mention the group to her. We also became well educated with The National Thyroid Foundation but I think I mentioned that to you before so I apologize if I repeated myself.
        Some of this stuff is scary and it’s a struggle but I am a strong person. Yes I am in a wheelchair and yep, I have RA but it does not have me. I am a stubborn ole broad who turned 46 yesterday. My granddaughter and my niece and nephew are my best medicine.

        • Kristy K. James says:

          Happy Belated Birthday, Korinna! And hey…that’s not old. The second I turned 29 for the second time, everything above it started looking younger all the time. I don’t worry about it though. I’m going to be 29 again this year, and for many years to come. No, I won’t tell you how many 29th birthdays I’ve already had. 🙂

          I can’t imagine being allergic to so many things, and I admire you for not giving up. A lot of people would. But you have a better life for hanging tough. I truly believe attitude plays a big part in how we see our lives, and more importantly – how happy we are. I’m sure the kids in your lives do contribute greatly to that. 🙂

  3. My fingers are definitely crossed that you feel better sooner than later. Glad you finally found a doctor and medicine you feel will work for you!

    • Kristy K. James says:

      Thanks, Kitt. I am, too. And I really hope this medicine does work because I don’t have a clue what else to do if it doesn’t. 🙂

  4. Kristy, I have been taking Armour thyroid for well over a decade. It is safer than synthetic. The doctor explained it this way. Synthroid is a man made compound and after some time will cause your own thyroid gland to become lazy and shut down. Whereas Armour thyroid is natural and assists your own thyroid gland. Most people today need to support their thyroid since most of us have been expose to some form of radiation which distroys the thyroid. Anyone can test themselves to see if your not producing enough thyroid by taking your temperature for three straight days either under your arm or tongue. Take at the same time each day and do not get up out of bed before you take it. If your temperature is below normal, more than likely you have hypothyroidism. So glad to hear that your finally getting the help you’ve needed to get back on your feet. Staying vertical theses days is a challenge. ((Hugs!))

    • Kristy K. James says:

      Thanks, Karen. The thing about the synthetic thyroid hormone destroying the thyroid is partly why I decided to stop taking it. I am a firm believer in taking as few medications as possible (and why I take a boatload of supplements instead). But I’m glad to hear from someone I trust how much better Armour is.

      My underarm temperature has run right about 96.5 for as long as I can remember. At least right after I wake up. It sometimes gets near normal later in the day – if I’m dressed really warm, but that’s about the only time. Makes me wonder if a normal temp is actually a fever for me, lol.

      I’m glad I found this doctor, too. I was completely stunned when I didn’t have to persuade him to give me the Armour. And he is in total agreement about where all the numbers need to be. I may be in love. 😀

      Hugs to you, too.

  5. sluggysmom says:

    Good luck to you! I’ll be anxious to hear how it works for you. I have Hashimoto’s and am taking the generic version of synthroid. I can’t convince my dr to let me try anything else. Did going gluten free help you? I’m thinking of trying that next as it seems no amount of dieting or exercise will help in getting this weight off.

    • Kristy K. James says:

      Thanks so much, Sluggysmom. LOVE your profile picture. He’s so cute. 🙂

      Is there any way you can change doctors? Someone suggested I try a D.O., so I did. I was still prepared to argue my case, but he stunned me when he said he preferred to treat with Armour Thyroid. I’m not kidding, my jaw just about hit the floor. The other doctor always started reeling off a list of side effects, including terrifying ones that could damage the heart. And then I realized she never mentioned one side effect for Synthroid, so I did some research. The Synthroid side effects were pretty much identical to the Armour…and some of them were worse.

      As for the generics, I’ve read some really negative things about them. That they’re not always the same quality – even for the same brand – month to month.

      So if you can possibly switch doctors, I highly encourage you to do so.And I have to say, just from my recent experience, it might not be a bad idea to talk to a D.O. Just to see what he or she has to say. The guy I’m seeing now ordered the blood test to check ALL of the thyroid levels, not just the three the other doctor looked at. Plus, he agrees that I need to try to get the TSH between .5 and 1, where the other doctor was okay if it was just barely under 4, which by current standards is still way too high.

      Yes, going gluten free did help some. Gluten makes the fatigue so much worse. Just keep in mind that it can take months for your digestive system to heal, and you have to read the labels on everything you buy. Even vitamins and things like lotions can have wheat in them. Heck, I just had to replace my no-stick cooking spray because it ‘may contain wheat.’

      As for dieting, I know what you mean. But I’ve been looking into the 5:2 Diet (Kate Harrison). You diet 2 non-consecutive days a week, either at 500 calories each day, or 1/4 of the calories it takes to maintain your current weight, then the other 5 days, you eat what you normally do. You just don’t try to make up for the two low cal days. There’s a lot of science behind it, but it has other health benefits, too. It’s totally worth the read. Ms. Harrison goes into some of the science, but she sandwiches it between her diary, as well as results others have reported to her. So just something to consider.

      • sluggysmom says:

        Thanks for the info! I think I’ll give that 5:2 plan a try before attempting gluten-free eating. 🙂

        Isn’t he a cutie? 😉


        • Kristy K. James says:

          Hi, Holly…
          Hugs to you, too. And I have to say if I could, I’d choose the 5:2 plan as well. But I will say that if you do wind up going gluten-free, if you can accept that lifestyle quicker than I did, it will be easier to deal with. Once I made up my mind that this is my life now, I didn’t have near the problems as when I was resenting (which I still do sometimes, just not as much as in the early days).

          And oh yeah. Joe Manganiello…there are not enough words in the world to express my thoughts when I see his photos. 🙂

  6. Kristy, I hope getting back on the meds helps you feel better. It sucks to be tired all the time. I know because I’ve dealt with fatigue since I was a teen. So I’m not one of those lucky energetic people. I have tons of drive and a million goals, but not much energy. The blood work never shows I have a thyroid problem, though I suspect I might. Don’t know what the cause is of the chronic fatigue. Some days I actually feel normal, and it’s so nice to actually feel good.

    But I can’t complain too much because there are so many people with debilitating chronic fatigue and so many other health issues. I managed to raise our four kids and be active at their schools and work part-time for 25 years at a super stressful job as a court reporter. And now I manage to care for the grandkids. The best days are when I feel like dancing with them. Even if it’s for five minutes. They love it! They make me laugh, which is the best medicine in the world (besides prayers), so it’s good.

    Now, why am I rambling on and on when I should be falling asleep? Now you know why I don’t accomplish much as far as the blogging. My comments are way too long!

    Hope your meds kick in fast so you can get back to feeling normal and do all the things you enjoy doing!

    • Kristy K. James says:

      Thanks, Lynn. This will be a new medication…the one I wanted in the beginning, but my old doctor was against it. But just so you know, many doctors still go by the old guidelines for hypothyroidism and refuse to treat anyone until their TSH level is over 4 or 4.5. The new guidelines say you’re hypothyroid if the levels are over 3. And for people to feel good, the goal should be to get it between .5 and 1. The T3’s and T4’s are supposed to be high, but I admit I don’t really understand that part of it.

      All I know is if it might be a problem, it would be worth your time to find a doctor who knows what to look for…and how to treat it. Chronic fatigue sucks. It’s good that you’ve still managed to lead a fairly active life, but if you could get rid of the fatigue, it would be so much better! That’s what I’m hoping for. This is so bad I can barely function. I have to force myself to do everything, and even then, sometimes I can’t.

      Love hearing about your grandkids. They’re total sweeties, and I can believe they’re good medicine for you. 🙂

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