It’s that time of year again … again. It seems like only a week or so ago that I was doing Camp NaNoWriMo to jump start A Cool Summer in Paradise, but I guess it’s actually been four months ago.
But now the regular yearly writing challenge has started and four days in, I’m behind 2,669 words. Yikes! I do not want to get get off schedule with this book … the much requested story for the coach himself.
Yes, it’s true. Ed Winslow, from the Coach’s Boys series, is finally getting his own story – and I’m hoping to have it available in time for Christmas. So if you don’t see me around much over the next twenty-five days, you’ll know why.
I’m hoping you like the tale Ed wants me to tell as much as I’m enjoying writing it. I finally worked a few kinks out of the plot so I expect to be back on track – and ahead of schedule by the end of the week.
If you haven’t paid a visit to my Facebook page, you might check in there because I’ll be posting tidbits from the first draft every now and again.
For now, I’ll leave you with one of the two photos I can’t decide between for the cover. Well, I’m 95% sure I’ll use the other one, but I really like this too…
It’s the same couple as the other photo, but I think this one is too similar to the cover for Her Best Friend Jon.