Puppy Alarms

Between telemarketing calls, an appointment reminder call at 9:57 a.m. (even though I keep telling them not to call before 2:00 p.m.), and a couple of puppies who have decided that they don’t like it when I sleep anymore than Jasper does (Jasper being the cat who thinks I’m a feline treadmill when I’m lying down), it almost feels like I’ve got a new baby in the house again. Why? Because for the past ten days or so, I’ve gotten far, far too little sleep.

I’m seriously considering renting a hotel room for two nights – and doing nothing but sleeping, napping, and sleeping some more. Cause I have to say that two, three, and four hours every twelve or twenty-four hours isn’t enough.


“…I’m tired and I wanna go to bed!”

Last night I thought I’d fake Dagwood and Blondie out and headed to bed at 11:20 p.m. instead of my usual 6:00 a.m. (an indication of how tired I am). But they let me know that wasn’t acceptable at approximately 1:55 a.m. Instead of what has become their customary four to five in the morning bark-fest, they figured out they were the only ones in the house awake – and they let me know they weren’t happy about it.

It’s probably nothing more than life trying to throw a wrench into my 2015 goals. And to that, I have but one thing to say…

I don’t care if I have to do it with an hour’s sleep here and three there….I will prevail!


I have one more thing to say. It’s a really good thing I love those puppies as much as I do.

puppies & SantaDagwood~~~Blondie

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2 Responses to Puppy Alarms

  1. karenmcfarland says:

    Hang in there Kristy! Good thing they’re cute, eh? 🙂

    • Kristy K. James says:

      It sure is, Karen. Especially on days like today. They started about 90 minutes after I fell asleep … and didn’t give it up until I said the heck with it and got up about three hours later. LOL…I’m really tired today! 🙂

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