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Since I can’t find enough things to make What in the World is This work, I’ve decided I’m just going to start sharing videos of things I love. Those things range from songs, to babies laughing, to funny, interesting, sweet, or romantic clips from shows and movies, to things like the video I’m sharing this week.
I totally loved Stars on Ice in the late 90’s. Scott Hamilton, Kurt Browning, Katerina Witt, Paul Wylie, Jozef Sabovcik – and Torvill and Dean.
Hope you enjoy this week’s pick as much as I do. 🙂
That was a fun video. I kept waiting nervously for something to go wrong with the hat though!
I know! They are so funny sometimes. But I’ve never seen them make a mistake. I know they probably have, but I never saw it if they did. 🙂