What?! Did you read that right? You sure did! The Coach’s Boys series, including its first companion story, Holding Out For Love, is now available in paperback. All eight of them! I know you’re thinking that all of the covers look different, and they do. Three even have new photos. That’s because the originals weren’t available to me. But I still love them and hope you do too. If you prefer turning pages as opposed to pushing buttons, you can find them on my Amazon.com author page. (note: if you click on the photo, you can see the covers better)
In other ‘writerly’ news, I’ve set myself a course for the end of 2015 that’s uphill. Both ways. How, you might ask? Well, it’s simple. Or at least it is in theory.
My goal is to finish the first drafts of Fin’s book, A Cold Day in Paradise (third and final installment – maybe – from the Casteloria series), as well as the first draft of the prequel for the Coach’s Boys series. You’ll get to spend time with the boys – except Chris (who still might get a cameo in an epilogue) – around the time they first meet Detective Ed Winslow.
But, if that wasn’t enough, I’m joining NaNoWriMo again this November (aka National Novel Writing Month). It’s that worldwide writing challenge where you write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days, so I’m also working on character profiles and an outline for the second book in the Men of the Double M series.
That means by the end of November, the first two books will be edited and ready to read for the holidays – and I’ll have the first draft of Steven’s book ready to start editing in December. Speaking of, here’s his cover.
I put it beside Josh’s so you can see them together.
This is, of course, dependent on whether the plans fall into place as easily in actuality as they do on paper.
I’ve also got another series I’ll be starting in 2016, even as I continue to work on the Double M stories. Actually, I’m hoping to work on three other series’ if I include the prequel and sequel for Enza. I’ll be sharing more information about those after the holidays though. If I can get these three ready on schedule, it’s going to take a miracle, so those are going to be my focus right now.
I LOVE all your covers. They are so pretty!
Good luck on your goals! They sound so awesome. (I used to do NaNoWriMo, but my kids would find a way to get sick and I never made word count. So I don’t even attempt it anymore. Maybe when they’re all out of the house…)
Oh nice. I didn’t even get a notification for this. WordPress is definitely a close cousin to Facebook. Or at least they sometimes seem to be related, lol.
Anyway… Thank you, Ruth! ON the covers and good luck wishes. You have inspired me to bump up my word count and output. As for NaNo, I’ve only ever ‘won’ once. I just use it for motivation to get moving on a new project – or to try and finish projects that have been driving me nuts. I don’t really care what the collective goal is, though winning would be nice every time. 🙂