Don’t worry. It’s nothing serious. Just the stars of the Weko Harbor series in a mood to pull some shenanigans. Like their proposed takeovers of my blog and Facebook and Twitter pages. The closer I get to being finished with the first book, the more excited they getting and the more they think I’m slacking off in the marketing department. Which is probably true. Marketing isn’t my first love. Writing is.
So they’ve nagged the heck out of me to let THEM do some of the marketing, freeing me to stay busy on the stories. I’m sure they’re just trying to be nice. There’s not any ego stuff going on here. Uh-huh.
Anyway, it’s just easier to let them have their way. Within reason, of course. So sometimes, they will be doing some blog posts or interviews, and sharing news and, if I know them, probably some gossip (nothing incriminating – at least I hope not!) on my Facebook and Twitter accounts.
The blog posts will be shared here first, then moved over to the website. Everything else though… It’s kind of a ‘what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ thing. The tidbits they share on Facebook and Twitter stay on Facebook and Twitter so if you want to find out what they’re up to, you’ll have to make sure to follow me on both sites. My Twitter handle is @KristyKJames and, if you’re reading this on my blog, my Facebook page is:
Nick said he planned on posting something yet tonight so check back in case you’re one of the 90% Facebook doesn’t send notifications to. 🙂