So this will make what? Four out of seven days? Clearly, my plans to blog thirty days in a row isn’t going to happen. In my defense, my entire schedule has been thrown out of whack by a hospitalized relative, but knowing me, the odds of blogging every day for a month probably wouldn’t happen anyway. That whole squirrel joke? It’s not really a joke when it comes to me. All I have to do is blink sometimes and I’m distracted by the next shiny object.
Anyway, I’ve decided to change the theme of Wednesdays from witty to whiskery. Whiskery as in cute furry friends. So, if this one makes the cut, it will hereafter be known as Whiskery Wednesdays.
First, though, the recipe.
I LOVE shake mixes. Breakfast shakes. Low carb shakes? Not so much. So last month, I came up with a shake mix I liked – a lot. But I didn’t love it as much as I thought I would. So I played around with the recipe until I did love it. All it took was a little more whey protein, a little more salt, and a tweaking of the sweetener. Or, more precisely, sweeteners. Here’s the new recipe…
Kristy’s Low Carb Chocolate Shake Mix
1 cup collagen (I use Custom Collagen)
1/2 cup powdered Swerve (or powdered sweetener of choice)
1 tablespoon Pyure
2 tablespoons Great Value (Walmart) Stevia (short green canister)
2/3 cup beef gelatin powder (like Now or Knox)
1 cup cocoa powder
4 scoops unflavored whey protein (I use this brand – and this is an affiliate link)
7 ‘twists’ sea salt (I used the coarse kind that comes in its own grinder)
Mix all well, making sure the whey protein is completely mixed. There are 12 scant 1/3 cup servings per batch with (roughly) 22 grams protein, 3 grams fiber, maybe half a gram of fat, and about 99 calories. These numbers don’t include the nutrition counts for whatever liquid you use.
When mixing, add about 4 oz. very hot/boiling water to mix to dissolve cocoa and sweeteners. Then fill with another 6 or 8 oz of liquid of choice, along with a couple of ice cubes. The colder it is, the more it will thicken.
And now for one of my favorite videos. I just want to hug Matisse every time I watch it. 🙂
Photo Credit: Pixabay