If you have followed me at all, you’ll know I’m not – nor have I ever been – a summer lover. I’m usually counting down the days to October first like a child looks forward to Christmas morning. This summer has been no different – except it’s lasted ten times longer than usual.
We’ve had what I’ll call a sort of crisis going on. In fact, Tuesday, will be five weeks. It feels more like a few months. Fortunately, the worst is almost over, though the recovery time for the patient will take a bit longer.
So life has definitely been trying to hand out lemons this summer – but I’ve been refusing the delivery. It’s put a crimp in my plans, and with all the traveling and added stress, I’ve been eating junk I really shouldn’t be eating on the Trim Healthy Mama plan(affiliate link). And, hey! It’s on sale for $4.99 through the end of July 2019! Yay! I just bought it because all I have is the Trim Healthy Table book. Now I need to finish this post and start reading that. 🙂
Anyway, back to those lemons…
I realized that I could let this change in my well laid plans throw me into a total state of chaos – or I could go with the flow. I chose to go with it. No, I haven’t written as much as I’d have liked (but I will be putting out some new short stories before the end of the month). And I’m still trying to eat better than I could if I weren’t trying at all.
In fact, I finally tried out a recipe I’ve been salivating over since I first found it several weeks ago. They’re a savory breakfast ‘cookie.’
Me being me, you know I tweaked it a bit. For one thing, I’m not turning the oven on in the summer so I cooked the whole mixture in a frying pan over low heat – first like scrambled eggs, then like pancakes (3 minutes on one side, then 3 minutes on the other side – after cutting in quarters and flipping)
Because I’m not doing keto, I also replaced a third of the almond flour with unflavored whey protein to cut down on the fat. Next time, I’ll try for half.
It turned out fantastic! Even my picky son and daughter loved it (Aria, however, did not – too much sausage for her). There were enough leftovers for two more mornings – and it warms up great in the microwave. Served with half an apple, it was a perfect breakfast. Looking at the photo though, I have to say it tastes much better than it looks. 🙂
And now, I see it’s six-thirty and I’m wishing I had more of it made up. But I don’t so time to see about a quick supper.
Psst: you might have figured out that the 30 blog posts in 30 days is never going to happen. That’s probably good news though. 😀
Photo Credit (lemons): Pixabay
I’m glad the patient is doing better! I hope that the lemons stop coming in so you can get a reprieve. It’s time to get some lemonade for a change.
I love that recipe. It’s looks so good!
Thanks, Ruth. I’ll apologize to you too. Things didn’t improve for long and it’s been a really loooooong month. Some lemonade sounds really good. So does more of that breakfast cookie/casserole thing. I tried it without the whey protein and didn’t like it as well. So definitely keeping that stuff in the house! 🙂
I hope the patient recovers quickly. I live in Florida where it’s mostly Summer all year. I love it. I have to have the sunshine and warmth. My dr just told me I’m severely deficient on Vitamin D even with the sun. I have three types of arthritis Ra, Psoriatic and Osteoarthritis. I’m wheelchair bound but that don’t keep me from the sun lol. They just found out I probably have Cushing’s Syndrome and I will revert to Addison’s if my steroids are messed with, therefore I have to limit my time in the sun because of the medicine. It’s a viscous cycle lol. I also must maintain a temperature between 68-72 and I freeze my poor husband out at night. Between the steroids and menopause he’s like really??!! I know you don’t want to accept those lemons but maybe just a few and make a pie instead of lemonade or make some lemon curd in a gluten free crust. You can do it Kristy! I have faith.
I’m sorry it’s taken so long to get back to you, Korinna. Things took a turn for the worse and life got a whole lot more … interesting. Still there too. 🙂
From what I understand, it can be very hard to get enough vitamin D, even if you live in a warmer climate. Sounds like you keep your doctor’s life interesting. I hope they can get you treated so you don’t have to deal with too many more health problems. LOL on freezing your husband! I’m with you though. I sleep better in a chilly room.
By the way … I LOVE lemon curd. So maybe I’ll do that. 🙂