Updates and Some News


I mentioned, a post or two ago, that I’d have some news some might love – but others would not. And I’ll get to that in a minute. First, the updates.

The 2019 National Novel Writing Month kicks off at midnight tomorrow night – and I plan on joining in. Again. While the pain issue is getting better, it’s not entirely gone. Mostly because I have a hard time staying away from the computer. But, for the most part, I’m keeping my hands off the keyboard and mouse. Which means most, if not all, of this year’s projects will be dictated.

Those projects include finishing several stories – and maybe writing two new novellas. If I do what I’d like, I’ll have the first drafts for seven or eight stories finished by December first. That will be a lot of editing once the pinched nerve is healed, but I don’t mind. 🙂

Second, I’ve decided that enough readers don’t care for my paranormal/fantasy stories, so I’ve put them back under the pen name JJ Belding. Most have new covers and titles. Taking some advice from someone who knows more than me, some have been split up. One story just went live again today. The original title, The Ripple, was a poor choice for a paranormal romance. Now, it’s Wyatt’s Second Chance. Click on the cover to check it out (it’s an affiliate link – click here to learn what those are, if you don’t already know).

And I’m still plugging away at the Trim Healthy Mama – and having fun with chaffles. This was one of my best experiments – recreating a favorite dessert.


This one is called the Wonder Bread chaffle.  Thank you to Sui Generis for coming up with this! Mine didn’t look as pretty as hers but it made three chaffles. I saved one to use in place of the pasta in lasagna for supper (yum – worked perfectly), but topped these two with a serving (10 carbs) of sugar free cherry pie filling, and some heavy cream whipped with a tablespoon of Pyure and a couple of twists of pink sea salt. This was my lunch, totally in line with the Trim Health Mama plan, and oh so good!

And now, the news I’ve been putting off…

I gave it eighteen months, but have pulled my books from all stores but Amazon. Well, except for six from the Coach’s Boys series back into Kindle Unlimited – and those will go in as soon as the final library service takes them down. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it had to be made. 

So to everyone who isn’t an Amazon customer, I apologize. But I will remind you that there are free Kindle reading apps (click here) for most devices. And I hope you enjoy my stories enough to check them out. 🙂

I almost forgot! Over the next three days, you can pick up three of my books for free. Just click on Kristy K. James to take you to my Amazon author pages. 

The Secret Admirer (ends tonight at midnight)
Erin’s Christmas Wish (November 6-7, 2019)
A Prince on the Run (November 7-8, 2019)

Okay. I’m about typed out. It’s time to spend some quality time with my heating pad again – and then see how much dictation I can get done before I get on with the rest of my day. 🙂

Cartoon photo credit: Pixabay

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