Chicknic Tables & Camp NaNoWriMo

Looks like I’m a year or so behind the times when it comes to chicknic tables but, in my defense, I didn’t own one chicken – much less five! – until early March. 

A what, you might ask…

The video below is a great tutorial on what – and how to build a chicknic table:

Yup. My daughter sent me a link a few nights ago and, after reading it, I’ve been thinking about it ever since. And making a mental pro vs con list.

Why I shouldn’t build a chicknic table:

  1. The coop and run were a lot more work than I thought they would be.
  2. I WAY underestimated the time it would take to build them.
  3. While I love Home Depot, we made so many trips there in May that it felt like a home away from home.
  4. I don’t have a pattern, or the correct ‘angle-y’ tools so, as with the coop and run, I’ll have to make up my own – and hope for the best.

Why I should build a chicknic table:

  1. They’re super cute!

There’s also the fact that there’s plenty of scrap wood left from the other project so … why not, right? And that means another mother/daughter woodworking project is probably happening in the not too distant future.

As is Camp NaNoWriMo. While editing the fourth Royal Sweethearts book, I realized I need to give a couple of minor characters a little more page time – and make a few too short scenes a little longer. So that’s my goal for July because I really want to have Quinn’s story published no later than the end of August. I’m also hoping to finish the outline for book five.

And now, I’ll leave you with a few final things on this Just for Fun Friday…

First, a fun blog post about Quinn, back when he first gave me an idea for his story. Click here to read it. And also, if you haven’t already read the Royal Sweethearts series (A Prince on the Run, The Physician to the King, and The Princess and the Bodyguard), you can click here to find them. And yes, those were affiliate links. You can learn more about those here. By the way, A Prince on the Run is always free!

Next, apparently, Scarlet felt the need to photobomb Natasha’s special moment.

And finally, from tonight’s playlist…


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