Words matter.
With them, you can tear someone down, or build them up. Your words can reduce someone to tears, or make them want to sing with joy. They can mean everything, or nothing.
For me, words are what I use to tell stories – like my new book, Loser Wins the Girl.
Sorry, for the shameless plug and affiliate link (learn more about those by clicking here). Well, I’m not really sorry about it because some of you still don’t know it’s available at most online bookstores: iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, and Smashwords.
Back to words…
Now that 2021 is nearly over, many people are thinking about other words. Or, more specifically, one word that they want to focus on in 2022. I’m one of those people. There are so many to choose from though. Good words. Words that could help shape the next year of my life. But I need to narrow it down to just one. The one that will inspire me day after day, until next New Year’s Eve. And I’m 99% sure it’s going to be…
For a second, I wondered if it should be recommit, but I realized that if I’d fully committed to something in the first place, there wouldn’t be a need to recommit to anything. And I sincerely want to commit to a few things for this coming year. I need to commit to them.
*Being a better Christian – every waking minute, no excuses
*Be a better family member, friend, and person – every day, even in traffic and crowded stores, no excuses
*Do everything in my power to take care of my body like it’s important – every day, no excuses
*Write, edit, and market consistently – six days a week, no excuses
*Remember to have fun – no excuses
Bet you can’t guess which phrase I’d have used – if phrases were what most people went for instead of a single word…
Maybe I won’t hit those goals 100% at the end of 2022, but if I give it my best, each and every day, I’ll be a lot closer to checking them off my list than I am right now.
If you had to choose a word that would inspire you for next year, what would it be? And why?
Okay. Now for a couple of my favorite songs that are about words…and could someone please tell me why Barry Gibb ever felt the need to hide that beautiful face with a beard!