Thirteen Years and Counting

This seems like an odd title to me on this, the thirteenth anniversary of my first ever blog post. Why? Because I haven’t written a new post since September first of last year. Of course, you know I have plenty of excuses. Some legit ones even. Part-time teaching, deaths in the family in December, January, and February, plus all of the every day, garden variety stuff life throws at everyone.

Mostly though, it boils down to two things. First, I just lost track of time. In a major way. But I’m also an expert in the art of procrastination and, faced with editing the fourth book in the Weko Harbor series (Loser Wins the Girl, The Bell Ringer’s Christmas, and Josh), I found many reasons to avoid opening the computer file.

After writing most of the scenes in Enza out of order, I swore I’d never make that mistake again, but that’s exactly what I’ve done with this book. And given that editing is my least favorite part of writing, well…

But, for the past few weeks, I’ve been working on a plan. One that I intended to roll out in the next month or two. But when I realized that my blogging anniversary had arrived, and that the future starting date was probably just another way for me to procrastinate, I decided to dive back in. Now.

Scary thought since I’m so out of practice. I also have a habit of making plans – with less than stellar follow through. But I have hopes that this time will be different, for a reason I’ve never shared with anyone before. 

With one of the deaths I mentioned above came the long overdo and unexpected end of a long-term, toxic relationship. Yes, it was one I could have walked away from a long time ago, but for reasons I won’t bore you with, I didn’t. So, while I’ve spent the past few months being quietly grateful that I’m finally free, I’ve also been focusing on me. Who I am now, where I want to go from here, and what I want to do with the rest of my life. 

And what I want to do is throw myself back into the writing game again. That means books. That means blog posts. That means Facebook. And, once I figure out the new email rules recently imposed by Gmail and Yahoo, that means newsletters. 

So I hope you’ll stick around and join me as I work on making my ‘comeback,’ and navigate this new and exciting life. Well, as exiting as life for an introvert can be.

Before I forget, please consider following me on Facebook. I do have an author page, but I mostly stopped using it because Facebook has throttled the reach of authors for years, so most followers don’t see their posts. So, I’m encouraging anyone who wants to see those posts to join my reader’s group. And for those who do, maybe you could help me come up with a better name for it than ‘Kristy’s Cozy Corner.’ Maybe something fun. 🙂

Well, I guess that’s about all for now. See you soon!

Oh! And don’t forget you can read some of my books for free…

*The Daddy Pact
* A Prince on the Run
*A Country Love Story (listen free on YouTube)

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1 Response to Thirteen Years and Counting

  1. Kimberly says:

    I would love to follow your Facebook page! Pressing the link tells me the page is either only shared to a small group of people or has been deleted though.

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