A Rough Couple of Days

This morning, we said goodbye to our second oldest cat, Sophie. Three in a single year. You might remember Jasper, the youngest, was hit by a car last July. Three months later, thirteen year old Sam died in October. Then two months later, we had to take Dagwood, one of the new puppies, back to the shelter because he kept attacking Jack – and bit my son during one of the fights. It’s been a tough year for pets around here.

Now my ‘zoo’ is down to Oreo and Lil Dude, all that’s left of the feline Breakfast Club, and Jack and Blondie.

I wish I could write a tribute to you like I did the others but I just can’t do it again. All I can say today is goodbye, Sophie. Tell Shadow, Jasper, and Sam hi for me. I’m going to miss you, you goofy cat.

Sophie in frying pan

Yes. She was sitting in a frying pan. A cast iron pan I found too heavy and had set on the counter so I’d remember to drop it off at the Hospice store. Yeah, she was a goofy cat.

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1 Response to A Rough Couple of Days

  1. Emma says:

    Sorry, Kristy. Hope you’re doing okay.

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