Funniest Thing I’ve Read in Forever!

I can’t believe I’m posting this, but it was one of the few times in life where I literally laughed so hard I cried, my ribs hurt…and I felt like I’d gotten some great aerobic exercise.

Before I share the link, because I can’t seem to reblog it, I’d like to make it clear that this will NEVER be a subject I’ll cover on my blog. Nope. I don’t like using the word, I don’t like writing the word…I don’t really like anything having to do with the subject…but this- Yeah. Gotta share it.

This is written by Anna Lind Thomas, first posted at an old site called And I actually discovered it thanks to a male cousin. Hope you enjoy it. Click on the link for Ms Thomas, because I’m not even writing the title.  🙂

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13 Responses to Funniest Thing I’ve Read in Forever!

  1. Pingback: An intimate apparel overhaul – Natalie Hartford

  2. Coleen Patrick says:

    Kristy that is SO funny (“I can taste it!”)–ack! Thanks for the laugh. 🙂

  3. O.M.G I HAVE TEARS running down my face. RIOT!!!!!!!! Tks for sharing this GEM!!!

  4. Hilarious, Kristy! I think the story would make a great first date ice breaker. LOL

  5. OMFG!!!! You are so right. That was the funniest thing I’ve read in ages. Ages! I read this while in bed next to my husband ~ his response? Yeah, you would find that funny. He was giggling, too, but tried to be cool about it.

  6. Oh. My. God… I am RIMCLMAOTIME! (That’s “rolling in my chair, laughing…” you get it.) Saving this one for the husband!

  7. Kristy, it’s 7:30 0n Saturday morning and I have an overnight guest who is still asleep. I Laughed so hard I cried and all while trying to be quiet so I don’t disturb her rest. OMG thanks for this

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