The Late, Great Thomas Crapper – one more time

It’s always fun when I see that someone stumbled on one of my early posts … back when no one knew I had a blog. This one was originally published on December 26, 2011. It was a lot of fun to write. And no, it doesn’t take much to amuse me.


We’ll just put this particular blog down to extreme boredom after all the build-up and excitement of Christmas.  With the day winding down, and feeling at loose ends, it just hit me that this is Sunday night…and it’s going to be Monday in about six minutes.  That means, according to my self-imposed schedule, I should have something ready to post after midnight.

So what came immediately to mind when considering what I might write about tonight? (we’ll pretend you didn’t read the title)

Thomas Crapper.

Don’t even ask because I don’t have a clue.  It was just there.  Thanks to some research on outhouses for Enza, it’s one more piece weird information rattling around this head of mine.  And much like those little numbered balls pop up for lottery games, I guess tonight was Mr. Crapper’s turn to come to the forefront of my mind.

Warning: This video isn’t exactly G-rated.  More like PG-13. They don’t really say anything wrong, it’s just the WAY they say what they say.

As surnames go, I can only be eternally grateful that I don’t come from a long line of Crapper’s.   I mean really.  Can you think of any century where that would be a good name to have?  Even if your parents were filthy rich? Kings and queens even…

And what about being that kid these days – on the first day of school and having the teacher do roll call? 

“Billy Benson, Lucy Carmichael, Tommy Cra…pper?

I can just see Tommy’s little hand shooting proudly up in the air, or confidently calling out, “Here!”  Not!  No, poor Tommy would be sitting under his desk, head hung in shame, and wondering why his mother hadn’t insisted that dear old dad take her maiden name.

And speaking of Mama Crapper, who would even consider dating a guy with that last name?  When I was in school, kids whose last name was Butts were the butt of a lot of jokes.  Crapper though?   Yeah, let’s introduce the folks to prom date and soon-to-be fiance’, Tom Crapper…

Seriously though, if you can be serious about anything having to do with the name Crapper, the man did do a lot of good for modern plumbing.  No, he didn’t invent the flush toilet as many believe, but he was quite the advocate for sanitary indoor plumbing.

Did you know that on January 27th, we have the honor of celebrating Thomas Crapper Day.  While indoor flush-able toilets truly are a thing to rejoice over, I’m not entirely sure how we would do that.  Maybe decorate our toilets and have a bathroom party? Or maybe give them a good cleaning?  Some of you might want to organize a parade in your city.  Or we could petition the football people to add an additional game.  Yes, you guessed it, the Toilet Bowl.

Are you distantly related to Thomas Crapper?  Would you date someone with that last name?  Marry them?   If so, would you keep your maiden name?  Settle on a neutral name and change it to Smith?

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