New Reader Requested Short Story

yellow-lab-puppy-2045_640-pixabayFor too many reasons to get into, my writing has taken second place in my life this year … but I’m working hard to make it a priority again. So I decided this was a good week to share the newest Reader Requested Story. For those who are new, and those who are not but might have forgotten, I post the stories in my VIP Club newsletters. Once I have enough, I publish them in a collection.

This story, Project: Petunia, tops out at 2,715 words which, according to some experts, is a 10 or 12 minute read.  If you like this little snippet and want to read the rest, just click on “VIP Club” above, or this blue link to join. I’ll be sending out the newsletter with the whole story in a couple of days or so.

Project: Petunia

Tomorrow, a piece of my heart will go with Petunia as I deliver her to her new human, a former soldier blinded in an explosion in Afghanistan. Now, honorably discharged and trained to live with his disability, he’s returned to his position as a college professor. It’s men like him that keep me doing what I’m doing—taking in puppies and training them to help those who need assistance to live full and productive lives. It would just be easier if I didn’t fall in love with each and every one of them. It’s so hard to say goodbye—especially with this sweet dog.

Hours later, I break one of my cardinal rules and let Petunia sleep on my bed.

When I awake, she’s lying beside me. It’s easy to see she knows something up and again, I blink back tears as I enjoy one last cuddle with her. We don’t have long though. My appointment with Mr. Benson is at nine. It’s currently seven-forty-five. We need to get rolling.

Todd Benson only lives a couple of miles from me, which makes me glad I did all of my crying at home. If the drive had been longer, if I’d had more time to think about it, I’d have been a royal mess when I knocked at the door of the white Cape Cod. It makes me feel better to know the backyard I saw when we pulled up is large and, more importantly, fenced in. Petunia will have plenty of space to run around and play.

When the door opens, I’m surprised to see a handsome man wearing a pair of sunglasses. There are several small scars on the left side of his face, and a more prominent one across the left side of his forehead, but they don’t detract from his appearance or his welcoming smile.

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2 Responses to New Reader Requested Short Story

  1. This short story sounds like a winner to me. I’ll look for your newsletter so I can read the rest of it. Great hook, Kristy. I have a feeling this might be one of my favorites!

    • Kristy K. James says:

      This one fell through the cracks too, Lynn, but thanks! Hope you got the newsletter – and enjoyed the story. 🙂

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