Today’s stop on the tour is…actually two again. The first one is over at My Devotional Thoughts. Next is Ramblings of an Amateur Writer. If you have some time, you might stop by to check things out and to tell Ruth and Reena hello.
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Hi, I’m Kristy, lover of God, family, friends, good books, and yummy food. I’m also on a quest to get in the best shape of my life. As a clean and wholesome/Christian romance author, I spend much of my days sitting at a desk. And we all know that a sedentary lifestyle isn’t conducive to good health. So it’s time to change all that. To start counteracting the side effects of too little activity, hypothyroidism, and gluten intolerance. Yeah, It’s time to get busy because I plan on living to be a happy, healthy, and energetic centenarian. I also plan on writing a lot more books! 🙂
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Kristy K. James participates in Amazon’s Affiliate Program. Simply put, this means that if you click on a link on my website for a product that Amazon sells, and purchase it, I may earn a small commission (your price won’t change though!).
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kristy you picked up on my comment on Enza, on Donna’s blog review and in reply, I will let you know how it goes. Just as a matter of interest my 1918 friend is mentioned in my bog The Red Baron his name is Bill Fairsworth its a true account, I have more to add about Bill as he suffered the worst of all disasters a parent should face, whilst baby sitting his only grandson, the baby boy was bitten by a tiger snake I can’t seem to finish it, but I will
Thank you for sharing that, Terry! And poor Bill. What a horrible thing to have happen to him…and to the grandson. I can’t imagine dealing with something like that. Please let me know when you finish the story. I tried to find your blog but got an error message. 🙂 be well T