While working on the third book in the Weko Harbor series, as well as book 2 in the Double M series (now a spinoff of the Weko Harbor series), I’ve also been sorting and organizing a mountain of story notes, handwritten scenes, and dictated scenes I emailed to myself. Among the notes was a reminder I don’t recall writing to myself – to do story related word searches. So I did.
I’ll post the answer key next week. Let me know what you think about it. If you enjoyed it. If you’d like more of this kind of thing on the website. Cause – you know – the comments section below is there for a reason. I’d love to hear your thoughts on things like this – and anything else you want to share about the site, the books, or whatever. As long as it’s G-rated. 🙂
Oh! And don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter if you want a FREE copy of Hard Goodbyes and New Beginnings … the prequel for the Weko Harbor Series (Loser Wins the Girl, The Bell Ringer’s Christmas, and Josh). The newsletter is where I’ll also post the login code for the VIP page, where you can get your FREE copy of the Cooking with the Coach’s Boys (and other free offers from time to time)
*Editing to add that if you can’t print the puzzle, it can be pasted in Paint. That’s what I did to test it out. Then I used the thinnest red line to mark the words out.
This video is AMAZING! And I only just found it to share with you! So, do what she says, select the puzzle, open Paint, paste it in, then start finding the words. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t know how you could do this on a phone or tablet. 🙁