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My Book Progress
Hi, I’m Kristy, lover of God, family, friends, good books, and yummy food. I’m also on a quest to get in the best shape of my life. As a clean and wholesome/Christian romance author, I spend much of my days sitting at a desk. And we all know that a sedentary lifestyle isn’t conducive to good health. So it’s time to change all that. To start counteracting the side effects of too little activity, hypothyroidism, and gluten intolerance. Yeah, It’s time to get busy because I plan on living to be a happy, healthy, and energetic centenarian. I also plan on writing a lot more books! 🙂
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Monthly Archives: August 2011
Now I’ve done it…
Apparently I don’t feel that I have enough stress in my life because I just backed myself into a corner. A very public corner when I announced the release of my next book in November. On my website. And on … Continue reading
A fashion statment?
While shopping with my daughter a couple of weeks ago, I spotted some really pretty tops on a clearance rack. And since the only way I can justify buying clothes for myself is if I can get them for a … Continue reading
Just one of those days
First, let me say that I’m trying to learn all I can about the features on WordPress. Second, let me say that this video I hope will post right perfectly describes my mood at the moment. I really do try … Continue reading
Can you acquire ADD as an adult?
Sometimes I think that’s exactly what has happened to me. Why? Because I don’t seem to be able to work on one project at a time. While the series I’m researching, and creating characters for is still at the top … Continue reading
So…I’m back again
Why is the question? Well because, after about an hour and a half of sleep, I was jolted awake by yet another nightmare. For the fourth time this week. It’s not like I’ve been reading, watching, or even thinking about … Continue reading
I keep forgetting to do this…
Well, I may or may not have come up with what I want to say in the book trailer, but for now I think I’ll be Scarlet O’Hara and think more about it tomorrow. Until then, I’ve decided to take … Continue reading
Update on my picture taking trip
I wound up traveling to two different cities, about an hour apart, and spending quite some time walking around a beautiful garden, and through the oldest part of a well maintained, lovely cemetery. In between I managed to locate a … Continue reading
Today is the day
Yup. I’ll be leaving in a bit to travel around my area of the great state of Michigan in search of pretty scenery for my book trailer. I will. Really. I mean it. Sometime very soon. Before noon. Maybe. For … Continue reading
Helpful Tips For Getting Published On Smashwords
Okay… So I really like the mug being given away in the current Smashwords blogging contest, and I’m going to try my very best to win one. How did I publish Reluctant Guardian, A Fine Mess, and The Stranger In … Continue reading
An Exciting Evening!
I really should be getting myself to bed. Actually I should have done it an hour or so ago, but here I sit, procrastinating again. Well, it’s not really procrastination; it’s more that with the schedule I’ve been keeping, my … Continue reading