I’ve long dreamed of becoming a coupon queen. Of walking out of stores with $100.00 worth of groceries for $10.00. Of learning everything there is to know about sales, stacking, money makers, and all the stuff the greats in the coupon world seem to know. Stuff I can’t seem to grasp so needless to say, those dreams have eluded me for nine long years, since the first time I heard the term “extreme couponing.”
There have been no luxury vacations paid for because I consistently saved ninety percent on groceries and household necessities. No midnight blue Ford Expedition because I’m a penny pinching ninja.
But now, thanks to fellow author Diana Layne, I’ve become acquainted with ibotta.
Am I saving ninety percent on groceries? Not even close. In fact, it’s closer to eleven percent but you know what? Eleven percent is eleven percent and my daughter and I are having a blast saving it.
Before heading out to shop, you’ll find us both scouring our ibotta phone apps (necessary to earn cash back) and ‘unlocking’ deals at whichever store we’ll be visiting. So far, she’s earned $10.00 and I’m up to $11.00 – just by buying things like bread, milk, yogurt, eggs, egg rolls, frozen fish fillets, bananas, candies, laundry soap, shampoo, and diapers from two local stores.
The deals range from .25 cents to $4.00 – you can pair them with sale items!
We learned on our third trip to scan items before tossing them in the cart so we know they’re the right ones. Then, after checking out and paying, we scan the sales receipts – and that’s all there is to it.
Once your total reaches at least $20.00, and it’s easier to get there than you might think, you can have it transferred to PayPal, Venmo, or gift cards. I have PayPal and can either leave it there for online purchases or have it transferred to my bank.
Like so many others, I find I’m having to tighten my financial belt so I thought I’d share ibotta with you – and invite you to join my team. I’m not sure exactly how that works just yet but members can earn more on teams and with monthly bonuses. When I figure it out, I’ll share it here.
It doesn’t cost you anything and the only special equipment you need is a smart phone in order to start saving money on groceries you’re probably already be buying.
This is probably considered an affiliate link. Please see my Terms of Service for complete explanation. Long story short, I will earn a few dollars if you click the link and sign up.
Click on this link: https://ibotta.com/r/midexpi and use this code: midexpi to join my team.
If they’re still running the same promo I signed up with, they’ll pay you bonuses totaling $20.00 over three weeks – as long as you redeem at least one item each week. They’ll also give me up to $5.00 for each person who joins my team – and the same to you for each friend you refer for your team. 🙂
What are you doing to save money these days? Had you ever heard of ibotta before today?
Photo credit: Pixabay.com