Excuses, Excuses

I’d like to say I have a good reason – or better than the ones I’ve already given – to explain my absence from my blog and Facebook page. But I don’t. It all boils down to my old friends burnout and writer’s block. 

I’ve basically been running on empty for a couple of years now. (Please note how I managed to work in the title of one of my very favorite songs so I can use it as an excuse to add the video in a few minutes. 🙂 )

There have been too many obligations and too much stress. Some, I wouldn’t trade for the world – my kids and Aria, for starters. But the rest just got to be too much resulting in not much sleep, writing, or blogging. Then there’s my Facebook page. I don’t even want to talk about how badly I’ve been neglecting all of you over there.

In a nutshell, everything came to a head a couple of months ago. Or started to. I finally managed to make my kids understand that I can’t just sit down, start typing, and produce a book. I need time. I need enough rest. And I need to start delegating some of the responsibilities that somehow wound up being all mine.

Things started to change at the beginning of this month. I’ve been wearing my Fitbit again and since March sixth, I’ve met my goal of seven and a half hours sleep on all but four days. Now I’m working on rearranging my schedule so I can try and get those hours all in a row rather than in two or three longish naps. Between all of this and making the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle work for me, things are looking up. Finally.

I’ve also joined a ‘cabin’ for next month’s Camp NaNoWriMo. Along with a small group of other authors, I’ll be working on finishing up a few projects – Steven (book 2 in the Double M series), the as yet untitled first book in the Weko Harbor series, the Enza prequel, and book 4 in the Haunted Depot series. It sounds like a lot but two of the projects are more than half finished and the other two are partially written novellas.

And I have some big news. For the first time in I don’t know how long, I’m going to dip my toe in the ‘wide’ pond again. Hopefully, by the end of the week, I’ll have the newly recovered and re-titled time travel romances up at Kobo, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and maybe a few other stores (in addition to Amazon). Over the next few weeks, the Casteloria Royals and Haunted Depot series’ will join them.

Whether I keep them there or not, and whether my other books join them in all of the stores will depend entirely on how well they sell. So if you’d like to see my books everywhere again, you might consider helping to spread the word. I’ll share book covers and links as I get them. 🙂

In the meantime, here’s hoping that I’ll be on top of my game again before too much longer. It feels really good to be getting more sleep and to feel more in control of my life and career for the first time in two years.

*Photo Credit: Pixabay 


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4 Responses to Excuses, Excuses

  1. You go, girl! Glad you’re catching up on your sleep and getting going on your writing again. I’m looking forward to your prequel to Enza, and I’ll have to check out your time travel romances. I’m a big time travel fan. Take care, Kristy!

    • Kristy K. James says:

      Thanks, Lynn! I’m glad to be catching up too. I was getting to the place where I figured I’d be the first real zombie on the planet. It just gets to the place where all you’re doing is waiting for the next nap time, lol. Still got a ways to go but I’m getting there.

      I’m looking forward to the Enza prequel too. I loved writing that book and look forward to doing this one and the sequel. 🙂

      I love time travel stories too. These ones are now called His Only Love and Her Long Road Home. If you read them, I hope you enjoy them. 🙂 Take care.

  2. Is Camp NaNoWriMo like what we do in November?

    I hate getting back on track after taking time off. It is so HARD to get back into the routine!

    • Kristy K. James says:

      I agree. It is SO hard to get back into a writing routine! I’m hoping some time at Camp NaNo will help me get into the swing of things again. And yes. It’s similar to the November NaNo. You just get to set your goals. Mind is to finish a few books. LOL…I’ll be happy finishing two though. 🙂

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