While perusing Pixabay in search of a photo to represent what I’ll be doing this month, I came across the one to the right. I was just going to find one with a woman typing but this one jumped out at me and made me laugh so I thought I’d share it with all of you. It’s just hilarious how monitors keep getting bigger and bigger but keyboards keep getting smaller and smaller. For a writer like me, one who actually took typing classes in school (mostly because one of the two teachers was a cute guy in his twenties that a lot of us girls were half in love with), smaller keyboards are a scary thing.
Scary? Yup. When words are flowing nicely, I can type about 60 wpm, on average. But the closer my fingers are squeezed together on a keyboard, the harder it is to get that kind of speed. The little thing that came with my tablet – which is now Aria’s tablet – is more like texting on a big phone. Kind of like the one in this picture. I’m thinking maybe I should go guy about fifty full sized ones so I’ll never run out! 🙂
Okay. Back to business…
You might have noticed the four progress bars to the right of this post. Those are for the four books I plan to finish during Camp NaNoWriMo this month. During the main event, simply NaNoWriMo (short for the worldwide challenge, National Novel Writing Month), the goal is to write a 50,000 word book in 30 days. During the middle of the holiday season. That’s one of the great things about Camp. It’s not quite as hectic because there’s only one holiday and it doesn’t require a lot of shopping or baking.
The other thing I love about it is … there’s no common goal. During Camp, we can all set whatever goals we want. For me, it’s almost always to finish partially written manuscripts. Hopefully, my goals this year aren’t too lofty but even if they are, I’m still going to do my best to meet them.
Now for a quick update on the new lifestyle I’m trying to make mine – Trim Healthy Mama (THM).
It seems like anytime I make a big dietary change, I tend to fall off the wagon quite a bit at first. This has been no different. Except even as often as I’ve cheated – and it’s been frequent, I’ve noticed something very encouraging. A symptom I’ve had that made me think ”pre-diabetes’ has disappeared. Whew! I can’t begin to say how glad that makes me.
I’m also getting more restful sleep. Instead of waking up ten or fifteen times a night, it’s gotten as low as twice. Twice. That’s an especially nice change of pace. And it’s pretty cool that even with all of the cheating, I’ve still lost six pounds. Definitely liking the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle. When I’m sticking to it, lol.
Next time, I’ll probably share more about some of the products and foods I especially like but I have to say here and now, powdered Swerve is the best alternative to sugar I’ve ever used. By the way, that was an affiliate link. If you click on it and buy it, I’ll make a few pennies but your price won’t change.
Now for the recipe. It’s a variation of one I found at one of the many blogs that share Trim Healthy Mama recipes (that was another affiliate link). The stuff I came up with is SO good, I was almost tempted to drink the chocolate, which is why it wound up with peanuts and coconut. It’s hard to drink peanuts and coconut. 😀
Kristy’s Chocolate
1 cup melted (but not hot) LouAna coconut oil
1/2 cup cocoa powder
4 heaping soup spoons of powdered Swerve
2 handfuls peanuts
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
Mix all ingredients well. Pour in pan sprayed with a little cooking spray, or in silicone candy molds and chill. Store in the refrigerator and try to limit yourself to a couple of pieces a day. Reasonable size pieces.
Photo Credit: Pixabay