With summer right around the corner, everyone is going to be a bit busier than usual…myself included. So I’m changing things up just a bit, starting with a game I’m calling, ‘What in the World?! Wednesdays.’ Yes, I know today isn’t Wednesday, but I’m getting a head start on it (mostly because I lost track of time and this is all I’ve got).
I’ll be posting pictures, or parts of pictures, of things that might be found around the house, yard, garage, and maybe even around town. If they’re not common, like this thingamajig, I’ll put the whole photo up. If it’s too easy, I’ll just post a portion of it. I’ll share the answer…along with the complete picture…the following Wednesday.
Can you guess what this is? I’ll give you one clue. It isn’t something ‘normal’ people would own.
*I did show this to one person which means she is disqualified from guessing. So if you remember, Jaki, zip the lips please. Well, fingers off the keyboard…
**Winners will receive their choice of a round-trip shuttle flight to the set of Total Recall on the planet Mars, or a ride in Marty McFly’s DeLorean to the year of their choosing. Okay, I’m pulling your leg. The only thing winners will receive is the satisfaction of having correctly guessed what the picture is and…well, that’s really about it.
***By the way, if you do guess what it is, you’ll have to wait until the following week to have it confirmed. 🙂
****And just to be really clear on the whole winners thing… There will be no (none, zero, zilch, nada) trips to Mars or rides in Marty McFly’s DeLorean.
Hmmm, I’m thinking it is a flower press. I’ve got something like around here someplace and that’s what I use it for. Fun game!
That’s a good guess, Tameri. I can hardly wait until Wednesday…as long as I can find another interesting picture. 🙂
Thanks for playing. 🙂
Love it Kristy! This is what we were talking about? I didn’t know you were going to do it on a Wednesday. That’s so funny. I’m planning mine for Wednesday. Hehehe
The only thing that is coming to mind from that picture is one of those old cross stitch or needlepoint things. 😐
Thanks, Debra. 🙂
I can’t remember everything we talked about that week but it definitely falls into the ‘reducing stress’ and making more time categories, lol. Although coming up with enough pictures to stump people for the entire summer could be a challenge. I like the idea about choosing a year better. There are more ways to go with that.
Wednesdays must be a good day for shaking things up, lol. I couldn’t come up with a catchy name for Monday and Friday. 🙂
Hmm, have no idea what that is!
Kristy, I’m just letting you know that I have passed the Kreativ Blogger Award on to you as I enjoy your posts!
Aww thanks, Emma! I really appreciate that. 🙂
great game, Kristy. haven’t the foggiest idea though. LOL
I’m not surprised, Louise. Until a few years ago, I wouldn’t have had the foggiest either! 🙂
Love the new game/series and NO idea what the photo is….SQUEEE!!!
Thanks, Natalie! LOL…I’ll show everyone what it’s for in a few days. 🙂
Okay, I’m only guessing here and I honestly don’t know the correct name for it, if I’m right, but I think this is used for needle point, the fabric is placed in the top between the boards and then the screws are tightened to hold it in place so it doesn’t slip? Like I said, I’m just guessing, but I believe I saw one when I was a child.
Good guess, Katrina! You may or may not be right. I’ll confirm it, one way or the other, on Wednesday. Thanks for playing. 🙂