Change of Plans

I know I said I would have the novelette series and newsletter ready to go before December 25 but… It just hit me that I’m missing Christmas with my kids. And you know what? I have been busting my butt since the first of November and I’m just not going to do anymore. Well, not for the next week.

I’m going to put up a few more decorations. I’m going to bake some cookies…even some gluten-free ones for me. I’m going to finish my shopping on Friday (God help me!!!), and wrap the gifts.

This should be a fun time, and I’m missing most of it. So I’m moving things back until after the first of the year.

I’ve also changed my mind about how the stories will come out. Newsletter subscribers will still get the story installments a week ahead of the blog readers but… I’m not going to post the final two. Nope. If people want to find out how the stories end, they’ll either have to subscribe to the newsletter, or wait until it comes out on Amazon and Smashwords, only they won’t be free.

So there you have it. And now I’m officially on vacation.  🙂

And now, please pretend that I’m standing outside your door, that I can actually carry a tune for a minute, and I’m wishing you a very Merry Christmas…and singing carols. Here are my three favorite Christmas songs, in no particular order.

How cool! This was done in the city my dad lived in the last 19 years of his life.

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10 Responses to Change of Plans

  1. Debra Kristi says:

    All the pretty lights and songs! I’m proud of you. We should all put family time high on the priority list. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend full of great holiday cheer. 😀 Now this might be a silly question, but where do I sign up for the newsletter exactly? I don’t see place for it on the side bar or anything.

    • Thank you very much. 🙂 It’s just been a low key, fairly unproductive weekend so far. My daughter and I have gone out looking at Christmas lights a few times, and we watched Meet Me in St. Louis last night (with popcorn from the theater…yum!).

      I hope you and your family are having a ball this weekend. My kids are too old for Santa now, sure miss those days. 🙂

      As for the newsletter…I wound up adding a page for it above. There’s a link that brings the form up. That was certainly a lot of fun, lol. Thank goodness Colin Falconer figured it out first…and was kind enough to help. 🙂

  2. Aw… Judy Garland and John Lennon in one post?!? My heart. 😉

    Wishing you joy, love, laughter and SNOW this holiday season. So glad we’re friends.

    • I’m a sucker for old musicals, and John Lennon…definitely the best of the Fab Four (looks and voice, lol).

      Merry Christmas to you and your family, August. I suspect that you all have more snow in Minnesota than we have here…but at least there’s a little on the ground now (and maybe more tomorrow…keeping the YouTube video handy, just in case)

      I’m glad we’re friends, too. 🙂

  3. Debra Eve says:

    Good for you, Kristy! I did exactly the same thing. This time will never come again and our books will do just as well in the New Year. Happy holidays!

    • Thanks, Debra! You’re right…the books will do just fine, as will the blogs, and social media…and everything else. But Christmas comes once a year, and I’ve already lost too much of the season being a writing workaholic. Enough is enough. 🙂

      Merry Christmas…and a happy, successful New Year. 🙂

  4. John says:

    Good for you Kristy, a fabulous idea. I agree with Steve. The commercialization of Christmas is to me rather sickening.

    • I agree, too. I was just listening to some Straight No Chaser earlier today and even they mentioned plastic Christmas trees in stores in October. Before we know it, they’ll be shoving the next season’s decorations down our throats in March. Of course if they did start doing that, I might be able to buy Ice Melt in March, too, instead of bathing suits and grill supplies. 🙂

      Merry Christmas, John! I hope you’re enjoying more snow than I am (though Friday is looking very promising…yay!).

  5. Good for you for taking time to “smell the roses” (even if it is December). The holidays have Become so commercialized that it seems most people get lost in the rat race of shopping and preparing that it is easy to lose sight of what (more importantly, WHO) is important. I’m at the point in my life where all I want for Christmas is to be with my wife, spend time with our families, and have a glass of eggnog (or two or three…..). Enjoy!

    • I hate the commercialism aspect of Christmas, but I love watching movies with my kids (when I can get them interested), and baking, and spending time with family. I hate shopping though, but I need to get something for my mom. If I didn’t have to set foot inside a store between now and January 2nd, I’d be a happy camper. 🙂

      Family is the best part about this time of year, isn’t it? You and your wife have a very Merry, egg-noggy Christmas. 😀

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