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Hi, I’m Kristy, lover of God, family, friends, good books, and yummy food. I’m also on a quest to get in the best shape of my life. As a clean and wholesome/Christian romance author, I spend much of my days sitting at a desk. And we all know that a sedentary lifestyle isn’t conducive to good health. So it’s time to change all that. To start counteracting the side effects of too little activity, hypothyroidism, and gluten intolerance. Yeah, It’s time to get busy because I plan on living to be a happy, healthy, and energetic centenarian. I also plan on writing a lot more books! 🙂
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Monthly Archives: November 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m heading to bed about five hours earlier than usual, but wanted to take a moment to wish my family, old friends, and new friends a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! My holiday weekend started out with being stuck on the … Continue reading
When Jack Doesn’t Sleep…
…neither do I. Or at least not much. Part of the problem would be the dogs down the road. Sometimes I think I hate those mutts, but I realize that when their humans leave them outside in a small fenced … Continue reading
I Have a Favor to Ask…
By now, most of you know that for ten and a half months a year, I hate shopping. And by now, most of you also know that because of crowds and rude shoppers, I really, really, really hate it the … Continue reading
Guess I’m Smarter Than I Thought I Was
While waiting in the self-checkout line behind someone who isn’t qualified to scan their own groceries, I had plenty of time to browse the covers of a wide selection of magazines. One, though, really caught my attention. I don’t know … Continue reading
The Gift of Music
After all this time, I’m sure everyone knows that I love music. From Dean Martin to Aerosmith, and Alan Jackson to the Backstreet Boys, the genre doesn’t matter. The era doesn’t matter either. I might be drawn by the lyrics, … Continue reading
Parenting Moments You Never Forget
Thank goodness I remembered I have a ‘drafts’ folder…and found this right near the top. Apparently I wrote it a couple of months ago – then forgot all about it. Anyway… I’ve blogged about my daughter’s dating life off and … Continue reading
NaNoWriMo, Stink Bugs, & Antibiotics
Tonight will end my first week in the international writing challenge, NaNoWriMo. I haven’t started on today’s word count, but so far I’ve written 11,425 words, bringing the total count up to 20,080…so I’m more than a third of the … Continue reading
Yet Another Gem
Until I wrote the title, I didn’t realize how appropriate it was, but I’ll say right off the bat that if you want to know why, you’ll have to head on over to Netflix and watch the movie for yourself. … Continue reading
An Apology
Last year, before I went to a self-hosted blog, I made a separate page to use for updates in the month-long international adventure called NaNoWriMo (short for National Novel Writing Month). NaNoWriMo is when thousands upon thousands of totally INSANE … Continue reading