Yesterday, I was looking for a white, lightweight over-blouse kind of top. I wanted it to wear with my pretty yellow tee shirt for my family reunion today. But do you think I could find one? Nope. Because even though the first official day of autumn isn’t until September 23, the store I was in was selling clothes for the fall and winter months.
We see school supplies lining aisles in late June or early July, bikinis in the middle of February and March … and let’s not even get into holiday items showing up two and three months early.
When you can’t buy a bag of ice melt or salt for your walkways and driveway after a March ice storm – because your local stores are currently selling patio furniture, kiddie pools, and tiki lights – that’s not right.
When you can’t buy a lightweight, summery white over-blouse on August second, that’s wrong, too.
It’s time to stand up and shout, “We’ve had enough!” We’re tired of store owners and boards of directors manipulating us and serving their bottom line instead of their customers.
Sell us what we want … when we need it … not when you decide you’re ready to change seasons!
I don’t remember ever listening to a Twisted Sister song before, but not only does this say what I feel about my shopping habits being controlled by people who are only concerned with clearing out their seasonal stock … long before the season is over … I really like it!