Valentine’s Day, Book Release, & An Interview

First…Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone! I hope you’re enjoying sweet cards, pretty flowers, books, and special treats on this February 14th. More importantly, I hope you’re spending it with someone you truly care about, be it a significant other, a good friend, or your kids.

On four hours sleep, I’m going to be spending some quality time with my pillow and blanket here before too much more time passes. Much as I don’t like to take a nap, when it starts looking like I’ve ‘had a few too many’ when I walk from one room to another, it’s definitely time to catch up on a little sleep.

And now for the book release. Yup. Almost two months later than anticipated, but the 3rd book in my Coach’s Boys series, A Harry Situation, is finally here!

A Harry Situation-Cover 1

It’s available on Smashwords as I write this. As soon as I get a URL for, I’ll post an update. Hopefully that will be later today.

And now for the interview. Over the course of the past year and a half or so, I’ve gotten to know a lot of people I’d never have had the opportunity to ‘meet’ were it not for my writing. A few have become very good friends, and one of them…Shineka Robinson…has become one of the best. I did an interview with her last week, and it’s up on her blog, Cause Everyone Needs Romance, right now. Stop by and say hi. There will be a drawing for ten digital copies of The Daddy Pact for those who leave a comment.

And now, because I’m almost as hungry as I am exhausted, I’m going to go get a small bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream…and then I have a date with RDJ, Bruce Willis, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Hey, as long as I’m going to visit dreamland for a couple of hours, I might as well get in some major Valentine’s romance, right?

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7 Responses to Valentine’s Day, Book Release, & An Interview

  1. Pingback: WANA Wednesday: Romance of all Kinds, Fun for Kids, and ROW80 | Jennette Marie Powell

  2. Debra Kristi says:

    Congratulations, Kristy! Sorry I’ve been absent so much lately. I jumped over to Amazon and “Liked” this book. Yay! .

    • Thanks, Debra! And I think that’s kind of like ‘preaching to the choir.’ I think I could give you a run for your money in the being absent lately. I’ve GOT to get a handle on this insomnia. Kind of sad when being lazy and sleeping in means getting 6 hours instead of 4 or 5. But, as my sister is fond of saying, it is what it is. I’m going with one of my favorites though…everything is subject to change – hopefully by an extra 2-3 hours on a fairly regular basis. 🙂

      I hope things settle down for you soon though. And thanks for the ‘like.’

  3. Emma says:

    Congrats on the release, Kristy.

  4. Aww! Thanks Kristy! Yes please go to and leave a comment to enter! I promise you’ll love the interview. 🙂

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