The Weather Outside is Frightful!

By now y’all know I have a very screwed up schedule. You know I’m not from the south either, but I just love that word so I try to toss it in here and there. The only thing I like better is ‘all y’all.’


When I went to bed this morning it was fifteen degrees below zero. Fifteen degrees below zero! And I’m not talking windchill either. That was the actual temperature. Thank God there wasn’t any wind.

But that got me thinking about a very windy morning – when my daughter and I were in Mackinaw City last month. I have a video I don’t think I’ve shared yet, and I will in just a second, but I first want to show you a photo I took – from the warm safety of my van.

Kristy K. James - daughter on beach 12-7-13I just wanted to show you how far the beach was from where I was, and how rough the ground was – which is why she couldn’t hold the camera very steady. There’s also the fact that it was bitterly cold and she was shaking.

And before you start thinking I’m a horrible mom, she was the one who wanted to do it to get the sound of the wind and waves…and I couldn’t talk her out of it.

Yes, she called me a baby…and I’m totally okay with that because it’s the truth.

Crazy as it sounds, I kind of wish we were still up there, but that’s pretty much what the weather has been like around here – almost four hours south of the bridge – for more than a month. It started very early in the winter season, and frankly…I don’t remember ever seeing the actual temps going as low as fifteen degrees below zero. (yeah, I’m still stunned by it)

Good news though. A warm front moved through. Now it’s thirteen degrees with a -1 windchill.

Are you finding the weather where you live to be a little over the top this year? If so, in what way?

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6 Responses to The Weather Outside is Frightful!

  1. KJ says:

    Our poor little puppy does not like these sub zero wind chills in mid Michigan!! The weather has not allowed much more than hunkering down and reading under a warm blanket. Ready for this cold front to push through!!

    • Kristy K. James says:

      My almost 100 pound Jack doesn’t like it either, KJ. I don’t blame him though. His hair is pretty short. Is your puppy short-haired, too? I can imagine it would be pretty miserable. I know what you mean about the blankets and reading. I have a fleece blanket on the shelf behind my desk…and use it regularly. I’ve also said the heck with a top sheet. I bought a big fleece blanket to use instead (under my comforter). It really helped to keep me from turning into an ice sculpture during the power outage. Since you’re in mid-Michigan, too, did you also lose your power?

      Amen to the cold front pushing through. All I want is 32 degrees. Every day during the winter months. 🙂

  2. I’m sure you already saw me whining on FB and my blog about the 40/50 degree weather. Sad, I know. It’s what you’re used to, though, you know? For example…the storm that hit the upper east coast last year that never quite made hurricane status? In FL, life would’ve gone on…business wouldn’t have stopped…it would’ve been no biggie. Why? Because our homes, businesses, etc are built to withstand all that…plus, we deal with hurricane season on a regular basis. We all know what to do. We know what supplies to stock up on and when.

    Ya’ll up north get frigid temperatures, etc? Unless a snow day is called or something, you keep trucking. Down here? The weather hits the 50’s and you’ll see parkas, ear muffs, scarves, gloves…the works. If it’s windy, too? Folks will also forget how to drive. Sad, but true.

    • Kristy K. James says:

      LOL…haven’t been on FB much the past couple of weeks, Kitt, so I didn’t see it. But you’re right. It’s a matter of what you’re used to. After the past month, forty or fifty would seem like hot weather to me right now, but when you’re used to warmer temps, I imagine it is pretty chilly.

      We’re like you here. It’s got to be pretty bad to shut us down, though I admit, I was going to go to the store today, I just didn’t feel like clearing the snow off the van.

      I laughed myself silly about people forgetting how to drive if it’s windy down there. Too freaking funny! It’s also pretty cute about the parkas and stuff in the 50s. I might put a sweater on, but I’ve been known to run errands in the dead of winter with a long sleeved tee shirt and a sweater. I do keep my coat in the seat behind me now though, but I used to leave it at home. Wisdom does sometimes find its way into my head. 😀

  3. Oh my Gosh – you guys are getting the cold front we had a couple of weeks ago. It was not THAT cold, but I think we may have reached zero one night. I live in the Sierra Nevada foothills and we had a couple of really cold weeks.

    Now – it’s almost 70 degrees out. Waaaay too much the opposite extreme. And no rain. Going to be a really long hot dry summer if we don’t get some moisture pretty soon. That’s not good when you live in wild fire territory.

    Hope you warm up soon. Stay inside and stay safe.

    And keep that kid of yours safe, too.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    • Kristy K. James says:

      Patricia…you should have sent that cold front to Canada, lol. Apparently we’ll be lucky a few days next week to hit 2 degrees. I don’t even want to think what the windchill might be. I’ve heard twenty or more below zero. I like winter but… Brr!!!

      Gosh, I guess you did swing from one extreme to the other. We did that once last winter. There was something like a 60 degree drop in temperature in a matter of days. How scary to live in an area prone to fire. Here’s hoping you get more snow, or lots of rain.

      Definitely staying inside and warm. At least until it gets above zero. And I’ll do my best to keep the kid safe. At least we’re in southern Michigan where it may or may not be warmer than Mackinaw City. 🙂

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