Fitness Friday
Version 1.0
Fitness Friday 1.0? Yup. Tried this before – and I’m starting over. Okay. Makes sense. A little anyway. But what on earth, you might ask, did I put ‘spaghetti’ in the title? That’s easy. It made me grin, and if it made me smile, hopefully you did too. If not, space aliens – experts at remote control – hijacked my keyboard and wrote it. That’s my story, and I may or may not stick to it. Yes, that was a Colin Ray reference.
As I write this, it’s Tuesday evening, a few hours after the ‘portal’ my doctor’s office uses posted the results of my yearly blood test. A year ago, I was pretty smug about the fact that six or seven weeks after my switch to 100% low carb, seven results that had been flagged as high were in the normal range again (including most things related to cholesterol – except HDL, a couple of things putting me a breath away from full blown diabetes, and another thing or two).
Was going low carb hard?
Not at all. I was so determined to avoid a prescription for cholesterol/triglycerides medicine, I would have done just about anything. Changing my diet seemed like the easiest way to go.
And it was. There were some iffy moments as I navigated the next couple of weeks. I had to stop rewarding myself for sticking to the plan for a week – with thick frosted jelly donuts, my favorite pizza, or a tortoise from Tasty Twist. It’s ice cream – pecans, chocolate dipping stuff, caramel. SO good!
Then, at the two week mark – with zero cheating – it got easy. So easy, it stunned me. The cravings stopped. As long as I didn’t let myself get too hungry. Which I didn’t. In fact, sometimes, I had to force myself to eat because without all of the sugar, processed carbs, and other high glycemic foods, my appetite went down.
Fast forward a year…
It’s entirely possible, if you’re reading this on Friday, that I’m negotiating with my doctor. Give me two more months – and then run the tests again. Why? Because five of the seven flags are back. A couple are close to being flagged again. Aaaannnnd…my TSH has almost quadrupled, with the free T4 going up a full point and a quarter.
I started getting careless a few months ago. A popcorn lover, probably since I cut my first teeth as a baby, I started having it a little more often. A few cups is allowed on the plan I was following, but not a big bowl of it. Soon, that because a couple of times a week, then several times a week. And since red and yellow potatoes aren’t as bad for blood sugar as white potatoes, why not start rewarding myself with a few more of those too?
No, I never went back to processed foods, only had gluten (on purpose) one time in thirteen months, with small amounts of sugar six or eight times (for example a quarter cup of cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving).
So, making an exception here, leads to another there. And then another. And another. And another. To make matters worse (back to the spaghetti), I’ve been tempted by gluten-free pastas and baking mixes again – even though I know they’re high glycemic foods.
I’m not giving in though. I’m done with all of that. It’s back on the low carb wagon – 100%. I’m even considering keto and carnivore (at least part of the time). Intermittent fasting is one of my top goals too.
So prayers are welcome. Wish me luck too, if that’s your thing. Because the healthier I am, the better I feel. The better I feel, the more clearly I can think. And the more clearly I can think, the more I can get written. And I have eighteen books I want to get written in the next two and a half years. All in the Weko Harbor, Royals, and Coach’s Boys: The Next Generation series.’
Now, since this is almost a novel length, I’m going to leave you with a few plugs for my books. Just click on all the pink titles and you’ll find the books! 🙂
*Get your FREE copy of Hard Goodbyes and New Beginnings by signing up for my newsletter.
*Get your FREE copies of The Daddy Pact, A Prince on the Run, and Holding on to Yesterday by clicking on these links.
*And if you haven’t heard the audible version of A Country Love Story, click on that pink link. It’s FREE too!
I’ll leave you with this song too. No, it’s not the song I hinted at above, but it’s one of my very favorite Colin Ray songs. Like in the top two favorites. 🙂