ROW80 Update

Okay.  So…following a week of far too little sleep, my brain is on strike tonight.  Therefore I am going to keep this short.  Very short.  I finished the first edits/rewrites and the book is now in the hands of my beta readers.  Now I plan to forget about it for a few days.  Mostly.

Finally, to any family and friends who have my telephone number – I have one of those cans that emits a very loud, obnoxious sound when the button is held down.  It’s sitting on my night stand.  My plan is to sleep seven or eight hours after I go to bed around four.   You do the math.  ’nuff said.  🙂

I think this guy is hilarious. Unfortunately the picture is awful, but the sound quality is good. 

Posted in Romance | 10 Comments

I Thought This Was Really Cute

I was going through a stack of copies of really old newspapers, this one from an October 11, 1918 edition,  and came across the following poem.  The only reason I got a copy of this page is because I absolutely love the poem below.

Before anyone gets upset over the title, I want to stress that I did not write this poem.  In fact, this poem is about 93 years old.  It was written decades before I was born.  And it’s referring to cigarettes.  I’m not sure how they came to be called by this name, but back then they were.  Long before it became an ugly slang word.

So having explained that, I hope you enjoy a blast from the past.  (I also want to stress that the punctuation in this poem is not mine)


by Corporal Jack Turner

What tobacco really means to a soldier has been voiced in more poetry—good, bad and indifferent, but always heartfelt—than almost any other subject of the war. Here is a poem from the British army which became so popular abroad that it has been reprinted and widely distributed.


When the cold is making ice cream of the marrow of your bones,
When you’re shaking like a jelly and your feet are dead as stones,
When your clothes and boots and blankets, and your rifle and your kit,
Are soaked from Hell to Breakfast, and the dugout where you sit
Is leaking like a basket, and upon the muddy floor
The water lies in filthy pools, six inches deep or more;
Tho life seems cold and mis’rable and all the world is wet,
You’ll always get thro’ somehow if you’ve got a cigarette.

When you’re lying in a listening post ‘way out beyond the wire,
While a blasted Hun, behind a gun, is doing rapid fire;
When the bullets whine above your head, and sputter on the ground,
When your eyes are strained for every move, your ears for every sound—
You’d bet your life a Hun patrol is prowling somewhere near;
A shiver runs along your spine that’s very much like fear;
You’ll stick it to the finish—but, I’ll make a little bet,
You’d feel a whole lot better if you had a cigarette.

When Fritz is starting something and his guns are on the bust
When the parapet goes up in chunks, and settles down in dust,
When the roly-poly “rum-jar” comes a-wobbling thro’ the air,
‘Til it lands upon a dugout—and the dugout isn’t there;
When the air is full of dust, and smoke, and scraps of steel, and noise
And you think you’re booked for golden crowns and other Heavenly joys,
When your nerves are all a-tremble, and your brain is all a fret—
It isn’t half so hopeless if you’ve-got a cigarette.
When you’re waiting for the whistle and your foot is on the step,
You bluff yourself, it’s lots of fun, and all the time you’re hep
To the fact that you may stop one ‘fore you’ve gone a dozen feet,
And you wonder what it feels like, and your thoughts are far from sweet;
Then you think about a little grave, with R. I. P. on top.
And you know you’ve got to go across—altho’ you’d like to stop;

When your backbone’s limp as water, and you’re bathed in icy sweat,
Why, you’ll feel a lot more cheerful if you puff your cigarette.
Then, when you stop a good one, and the stretcher bearers come
And patch you up with strings, and splints, and bandages, and gum;
When you think you’ve got a million wounds and fifty thousand breaks.
And your body’s just a blasted sack packed full of pains and aches;
Then you feel you’ve reached the finish, and you’re sure your number’s up,
And you feel as weak as Belgian beer, and helpless as a pup —
But you know that you’re not down and out, that life’s worth living yet,
When some old war-wise Red Cross guy slips you a cigarette.

We can do without MacConachies, and Bully, and hard tack,
When Fritz’s curtain fire keeps the ration parties back;
We can do without our greatcoats, and our socks, and shirts, and shoes,
We might almost—tho’ I doubt it—get along without our booze;
We can do without “K. R. & 0..” and “Military Law,”
We can beat the ancient Israelites at making bricks, sans straw;
We can do without a lot of things and still win out, you bet,
But I’d hate to think of soldiering without a cigarette.

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Fire the Food Police! (and ROW80 update)

I was actually shooting for a funny blog today, but you know the old saying about the best laid plans?  Well all it took was for me to type the phrase, ‘the food police.’ and the topic changed immediately.

I’d wanted to write about how some influential people in politics would like to ban the sale of supplements (an on again/off again battle I hear about at the health food store I frequent) or, at the very least, heavily regulate them.  But how, on the other hand, they’d also like to control our consumption of junk food.

People like this guy scare me.  But they also make me really mad!

If we’re going to talk about unhealthy things, what about the arsenic we ingest in much of the non-organic chicken we swallow?   Poisoned chicken that’s approved by our government.  A little won’t hurt us.  Uh-huh.  Can I invite you law makers over for a batch of brownies I’d like to make for you?  Thought I’d add one teensy-weensy teaspoon of dog poop to the batter.  But don’t worry, it won’t hurt you.  After all, it’s just a little poop.  And even better, it’s not poison.

Moving on to MSG, another government approved food additive…  The website, says, ‘… monosodium glutamate causes brain damage which can lead to retinal degeneration, endocrine disruption (e.g. reproductive disorders and gross obesity), behavior disorders, learning disabilities, and more.’  One of my brother’s wives can’t have any MSG because it gives her migraine headaches…and could cause her to have a stroke because of the way her system reacts to it.

Let’s not even get into sugar substitutes.  Everything I’ve read about artificial sweeteners is enough to give me nightmares.

One thing I don’t want to leave out of this fluoride.  A few years ago I read a very disturbing article about it, The Cause of Fibromyalgia – and nothing I’ve learned since has made me feel any better.  But our government thought it was A-okay to poison our water supply with this nuclear waste byproduct for the past fifty years.

I had to pause this video to go check the tube of Aqua Fresh in my bathroom.  Sure enough, the Poison Control warning is right there on the label.  Since we drink (and cook with) non-fluoridated bottled water, and have done so for years, I didn’t worry too much about the toothpaste.  Of course I didn’t know there was a warning on it either.  I’ll be stocking up the next time I’m at the health food store…

Yeah, Uncle Sam, won’t you please start regulating everything we eat?  Gotta put a stop to the fast and junk food industries muscling in on your ‘Poison America’ monopoly.

***ROW80 Update:

Three more chapters down, six to go.  I might just finish this first time through before Friday.  I’m very pleased that I’ve added an additional 3,700 words since I started editing, and that I’ve gotten another letter written for the Monday Mail posts.   Forgot my swamp sludge again (just one day), but I’m fast becoming a zombie with my new, temporary schedule.


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Monday’s Mail – It’s Jonathon’s Turn

Dear Luke,

I wish you and your family’d come home.  Steven and Tommy are nice enough fellows, I guess, but it’s not the same.  How long do you think it will be before your pop gets back from France?  With all the men gone, ladies are working everywhere.  You could tell your mother that she could get a job here and then you wouldn’t have to live with your grandparents down there.

If you’d come back I wouldn’t hafta write you anymore.  I don’t know what the big deal is about letters.  It’s boring.  I like talking to you more.  And it’s just more fun when you’re here.  You’re the only one who likes watching Mr. Mertz with me, too.

You shoulda seen him yesterday, Luke.  He was carrying a package home from the post office and looking real shifty-eyed.  I bet it was a bomb or a grenade or somethin’ like that.  He’s a spy for the Kaiser, I just know he is!

Mother is still making me take piano lessons.  I wanted to learn to play the violin like Sherlock Holmes but she says we already have a piano and I hafta learn to play that first.  So I’m practicing a lot.  Every day.  And I think I’m getting really good at it.  Mrs. Abernathy says she’s never heard anyone play quite like I do.

Do you have any snow in Indiana?  We got lots this winter and I get to go sledding on Saturdays.  But Mother makes me take the babies all the time and they never want to stay long because they get cold.  It’s not fair, Luke.  Sometimes she lets me go with Steven and Tommy and that’s better.  But they never want to stay as long as I do.  I wish you could come home because you like staying all day, too.

I can’t think of anything else to tell you.  But you make sure you tell your mother about those jobs, okay?  If she would get one, you could come back and it wouldn’t be so boring.

Yours truly,



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The Sunday Update

I would sure like to know how other writers handle everything.  Not only has Murphy (from Murphy’s Law fame) become a close and personal friend of mine since the first of the year, I seem to be turning into the kind of person who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.

Okay, so I can walk and chew gum at the same time.  I can’t, however, seem to figure out how to fit writing, social media and life in general into a schedule that works for me.  If I’m writing or editing, I’m neglecting Twitter and blog reading.  If I spend time on Twitter and reading other blogs, I neglect the writing and editing.

How do you organized people do it all???!!!

Definitely feeling like I’m over my head at the moment!

I’ve been so bad this week I’m not even posting my link at ROW80.  I have, however, gotten four more chapters edited since Thursday morning, a miracle given the ongoing sleep deprivation.  Which isn’t going to be ending any time in the near future.  And the nine chapters that are left are the ones that will require the most work.  Yikes!

And I blew an almost five week streak of using my powdered greens every day when I forgot it on Thursday.

I need a do-over for this week…

Oops!  I can’t believe I almost forgot this!

I got an email earlier this week from a woman who has read three of my books and enjoyed them enough that she decided to tell me.  I’ve been enjoying chatting with her (via email) for several days now.  Then I found a very lovely review for The Daddy Pact on Amazon this afternoon.  It’s just amazing what things like that can do for you when you hit a place where the writing or editing is making you crazy!

Posted in Romance | 16 Comments

Calling All Dog Lovers…

Several months ago I introduced you to one of my dogs, Jack, following a serious reaction to a new medicine (vet’s recommendation).  Why?  Because Jack has some issues with his skin.  So does our other dog, Shadow, but to a much lesser degree.

And I’ve spent a small fortune trying to resolve this problem for both of them. Skin tests, blood tests, medication, special shampoos…including one that made the house smell horrible for days.  It also ruined an entire load of towels because no matter how many times they were washed, the one towel made the rest of them reek.  And poor Shadow?  It was hard to be in the same room with her for about ten days.

A woman who worked at the animal shelter where we got Shadow thought she might be 6-8 years old, which would make her 11-13 years old now.  This picture was taken shortly after she came to live with us.

For those who don’t remember, this is Jack…

My boy!  Isn’t he gorgeous?  I just love how expressive his eyes are!

The purpose of my post today is not to show off my dogs.  Well, not entirely.  Mostly it’s to ask for some help.

I’ve tried everything to help with the skin conditions.  Two different veterinarians haven’t been able to figure out what’s wrong…and said that it’s highly unlikely that both of them could have food allergies (but we’re picking up a different kind of food tomorrow, just in case).   They just finished two months of bi-weekly shots that were supposed to take care of the problem.

We’ve ripped out all of the carpet just in case they were allergic to something in that.  None of the meds, natural remedies, shampoos or spray on treatments have helped.  They drink bottled water because what comes from the well is so nasty, and I’m not giving them softened water.  And I use a hypoallergenic laundry detergent for their bedding.

Has anyone ever had a dog with an itchy skin condition that seems to have no cause…or cure?  They don’t have fleas, ticks, mites, mange, or any number of other things they’ve been tested for.

I just want them happy and comfortable again.  Amazingly enough, the cats are fine.  Could two different breeds of dogs be allergic to cats?

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Oops…Today is Wednesday, Isn’t It?

Trying to adjust to a new schedule, however temporary, is not something I’m good at.  Most days, unless I look at my computer calendar, I couldn’t tell you if it was Monday or Friday.  And I often have to ask my daughter if there’s anything I watch on any given night.  This is mostly due to the fact that a television season can mean many things these days…and include frequent breaks.

But I got a little off the subject here.  My schedule, for the next week or two, is going to be crazier than usual.  Normally I’m in bed by four a.m., but because someone I know is having car trouble…and the mechanic who works on it is really backed up…I’ll be taking them to work and picking them up.  Which means my new bedtime is six a.m.

That wouldn’t be a problem, except I happen to be a creature of habit.  I’m used to getting up somewhere between ten and noon.  At the rate it’s going I imagine that about the time I adjust to this schedule, the car will be fixed and my taxi service will no longer be needed.

So I’m not feeling very creative tonight and am just going to share another favorite video.

On the ROW80 front…I’ve gotten one more chapter done.  That’s it. Hopefully by Sunday I’ll have the rest finished and ready for beta readers.  Oh, and I did remember to post the link.

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Monday Mail Call, Meet Colby

This week we’re meeting Colby Thornton, another character from my newest book, scheduled to be released on April 23, 2012.

Dear Cecil,

I hope this letter finds you well.  I know it finds you more comfortable than I am!  Sometimes I admit to just the tiniest bit of envy that, while you’re basking in the warmth and sunshine in Texas, I sit here shivering in Michigan. But you know I wouldn’t trade places with you for the world.  I love it here.

Life hasn’t changed much at all since the last time I wrote.  With the war, and so many young men joining the army, there’s still a shortage of workers.  Much to the dismay of the older folks here in town, positions thought unbefitting a lady are being filled by many ladies because there’s simply no one left to hire.  I, for one, am glad that the employers are taking them on.  But for their income, some of the families would face unbearable hardships with their men over in France and who knows where.

The only holdout is the postmaster and he just flatly refuses to employ a woman.  If the gossip is to be believed, he doesn’t trust them with important government business.  Let me tell you, he isn’t very popular with any female between the ages of seventeen and seventy right now.  He’s so adamant about it, in fact, that he’s badgered Daniel Pullman into postponing his enlistment until graduation in the spring.  Word has it that he is in hopes some of the boys can be persuaded to delay the inevitable.

I’m quite relieved, if truth be told.  Daniel needs some time to grieve the recent loss of his mother.  Otherwise I fear for his safety, that he might not be as careful when he’s on the battlefield as he should be.  As far as I know, she was his only living relative.  People who feel as alone as he must, who are as alone as he is, sometimes don’t care what happens to them.

And it would be a shame if anything happened to him, Cecil.  He is one of the most decent young men you could ever meet.  A few extra months to heal, in this case, will be the best thing all the way around.

It will be nice when the war ends, please God soon.  It’s wonderful to see how everyone is coming together during this difficult time though.  Many of the women meet several mornings a week to knit sweaters and socks for the soldiers.  Everyone is conserving gasoline.  And the post office is constantly busy what with the overwhelming number of letters being sent to these boys.  From everyone in town it seems.

But from a selfish point of view, the Wheatless Wednesday’s are increasingly difficult for me.  Since I can’t bring a sandwich when I leave in the mornings, I’m forced to go home, or to a restaurant, for dinner.  With Anna still spending money as fast as I can earn it, that usually means home.  It’s hard enough to eat breakfast and supper with her, so adding in the third meal…  It’s just easier to stay away.  As always, your continued prayers regarding this matter are appreciated.



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“You Shouldn’t Get a Splinter From Cereal…

…that’s just not right,” is my new favorite saying.

Yeah, I know.  It’s fairly well established that I’m weird.  I can live with it.  But what brought this to mind tonight is that I hit the four week mark on my swamp sludge journey.  Last week I reported that I had started using my powdered greens twice a day.  Well…  That’s been kind of hit and miss this week because I just do not like the less expensive stuff as much as the Barlean’s.  Which, I reiterate, I don’t like much either.  So you know I was a little disappointed when I read today that the cheaper stuff is actually one of the higher rated brands.  Yeehaw…

Since I’m a hair on the sleep deprived side today, my mind naturally jumped from four weeks of drinking sludge to a comedian I particularly enjoy.  And that sent me to YouTube so I could watch one of my favorite videos again.  The whole thing is good, but my favorite part starts around a minute in.  This is where you’ll hear my new favorite quote.

Now for the ROW80 update…

This week, or the beginning of it, went much better than the previous two.  Five chapters edited by Wednesday night – and have done nothing since.  Of course I hadn’t paced myself because I was on a roll…so I just went with it.  I’m going to have to work on that over the next week or two.

Didn’t make it to the pool even once.  Yeah, I’m a wimp.  I like winter better than summer, but after working out for three-quarters of an hour, showering and getting dressed, I don’t want to take 10-15 minutes to dry my hair in a locker room that feels like a sauna.  I’m also not into that whole Bozo the Clown thing that lands on my head when I use a dryer.  But I guess I’m going to have to just suck it up and live with the fluff.  Or like my mom told me a couple of weeks ago, “Man up and get it done.”  Uh…  Mom?  Did you, by chance, confuse me with one of your sons?!

I’m writing this on Friday night.  Yeah I know, Friday isn’t Sunday.  But to date, I haven’t written anymore letters for my Monday Mail Call.  (hmm, one good thing about writing in the middle of the night is that your mind works a little differently…Monday Mail Call just popped into my head).  If things don’t change over the weekend, I’ll only be two ahead after the next post.

And it looks like I have to add one more goal to my list.  Remembering to post my link at the ROW80 site…

So that’s it for this week.  I’m going to leave you with another favorite Tim Hawkins video.

***A quick update, since it’s still Sunday…I just finished editing chapter 6.  So I got six chapters finished this week.  Finished for the first time anyway.

Posted in Romance | 9 Comments

My Favorite Romantic Movies

A few weeks ago I shared with you my top three favorite romantic songs.  So this week I thought I’d share with you my very favorite romantic scenes from three of my favorite movies.

But let’s talk first about what makes a movie romantic.  What is it that draws us in and keeps us glued to our seats, mindlessly munching artery clogging popcorn as we wait, breathlessly, for that final ‘aw’ inspiring scene?  The moment we know that our time was well spent because we finally got our happily-ever-after fix.

The lead actor and actress have to be believable, for one thing.  Some very talented people in the industry would be ill-cast in a romance.  Can you imagine Lily Tomlin and Eddie Murphy as leads?  That pairing really doesn’t ‘do it’ for me, and I’d probably avoid that movie…unless it more comedy than romance.  Of course I never thought Adam Sandler had it in him either, until I saw him in 50 First Dates.  And speaking of Adam Sandler, all I can say about his performance in Reign Over Me is…wow!!!  Well, well worth your time to watch!

But back to the subject at hand…

The guy can’t be a jerk.  Or if he is, he has to be changed by the end of the movie.  Same for the woman.  Sometimes, when we’re talking movies like Kate & Leopold we can only hope the guy doesn’t change.  Not even a little.  Leopold was perfect, start to finish, and I think if we ladies could find a real-life Leopold to give lessons to ‘normal’ guys, we’d all be happier.  Maybe we could get Hugh Jackman to be the instructor…  Hugh Jackman would make me very happy.

But let’s get to my top three for today (and that top three could change in an instant, as soon as I remember other romances I love).

In third place, and I’m surprised I’m including this at all, is A Walk to Remember.  Usually I prefer a different sort of ending, but I’ll be good and not give away too much, for those who haven’t seen it yet.  Let me just say I’ll be watching it periodically for years.  Or until my DVD wears out.  In fact, after previewing the trailer, I’ll probably be watching it after The Vampire Diaries tonight.

I wanted to post a specific scene but every video was embedded (which is extremely annoying!).  So I had to settle for the trailer.

It’s really a toss up which of the next two I like the best, so I’m just going to do the eenie-meenie-miney-mo thing.  They both star Sandra Bullock, who is one of my very favorite actresses, and I own more of her movies than I can even remember.

Okay, The Proposal got stuck in the second position.  What’s not to like about this romantic comedy?  I mean, c’mon.  It stars Ryan Reynolds…  It has some of the funniest scenes I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching, most notably the ‘chant’ scene with Betty White.  However, please note that this scene is not suitable for all ages.

Pay close attention to Betty’s face when Sandra starts singing louder.

And the top spot goes to…because it won courtesy of a grade-school game…The Lake House.  Ya gotta know that if I watched The Matrix because Keanu Reeves was in it, I’d be parked front row center to see him in a romance with Sandra Bullock.  Okay, okay.  Back row center…   Sitting close enough to kiss the screen really hurts my eyes.  Plus you can’t see everything going on anyway.

So now that I’ve shared with you some scenes from a few of my favorite romantic movies, I hope you’ll share your top three picks with me.  Chances are they will make my favorites list, too.

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